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5 Things I’m Grateful for That I Take for Granted

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

With Thanksgiving in just a couple of weeks, I thought that it would be fun to write a short article listing a couple of the things that I’m grateful for at this point in my life that may seem super small or meaningless. Though these things may seem tiny, it is important to be grateful for them and recognize how much joy they may bring to you. 

What I am grateful for:


I love the tradition of morning coffee. I look forward to it every night and right when I wake up. Coffee is also something to bond over with people; meeting for coffee is never questioned, and it’s always a good idea. Who wouldn’t want a little pick-me-up and a good conversation with a new friend? Besides this, I also love the taste of coffee, whether it’s a latte from a cute local coffee shop or coffee out of the pot at home, it’s such a yummy taste, and there’s something so special and pleasant about it. 


I have been taking lots of walks recently, and let me just say that I highly recommend them. When the sun is out, it’s a nice temperature, you put in your AirPods and listen to an interesting podcast, some nice new music, or maybe call your mom or a friend, and take a nice stroll down the street. It’s such a good vibe.


I have been getting sick a lot, and I also have a very sensitive stomach. I love to drink Kombucha when I can because of all of the health benefits associated with it. I also really am obsessed with the taste of it and think of it as a treat in the middle of my day.

Lazy mornings/days

I have a problem with always wanting to have a jam-packed schedule. I need to remind myself to be grateful for the days when I have time to lay in my bed, stay in my pajamas for a while, and find joy in not having anything to do.

The ability to move my body

Whether it’s dancing or working out, I love to keep my body moving. I am so grateful that I am able to move my body so easily and without any problems. Sometimes I have to remind myself that not everyone in the world gets to do that, especially on days when I dread getting out of bed and going to the gym.

Natalie Pernas is a sophomore Dance major & Public Relations minor at Loyola Marymount University. She grew up in Portland, OR, but recently relocated to Medford, NJ. Natalie is so excited to join Her Campus this year! When Natalie has free time, she loves taking spin classes, cooking, and drinking iced coffee!