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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

A skincare routine can be so finicky yet so basic, making it difficult for one to land the best-suited skincare routine. With so many different products, myths, skin types, and skin conditions, not everyone’s skincare routine is going to be the same. What works for one may not work for another, and it doesn’t get more irritating and frustrating than that. Whether your skin is dry, oily, or you suffer from acne, rosacea, etc., the next five tips are ones that should be incorporated in every skincare routine. At least there’s that for a universal skincare routine! 

Avoid Physical Exfoliation

Exfoliation is often seen as scrubs with tiny microbeads made of plastic. Some scrubs, such as the ones from St. Ives, a cult favorite, have transitioned to ground-up walnut shells as a more sustainable approach. Either way, physical scrubs do more harm than good for the skin, as they can be harsh. 


Instead, opt for chemical exfoliation! When used correctly, chemical exfoliation can be more gentle on the skin and more effective as well. Chemical exfoliation uses direct acids such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) to work on the surface while going deep into the skin and exfoliate, while physical exfoliators mainly do work on the surface of the skin. Chemical exfoliators from The Ordinary, The Inkey List, or Paula’s Choice are a great way to implement chemical exfoliation into your skincare routine!

Always Wear SPF

If you’re not going to the beach, you should still be wearing sunscreen daily! Think of sunscreen as the setting spray in a make-up routine; it locks everything in and makes all that hard work put into makeup worth it. Wearing sunscreen indoors is necessary as well if there is a lot of natural light coming in from windows. 


Sunscreen prevents UV rays from damaging your skin in the form of skin cancer, hyperpigmentation, etc. Whether sunscreen is a separate step in your routine or combined with your moisturizer, it is essential to always have some on during the daytime. Lastly, pick a sunscreen that best fits your skin type for optimal results (for example, try a gel sunscreen if you have oily skin).

Say Goodbye to Makeup Wipes

We have all heard that it is crucial to always take off your makeup before going to bed. But what is the best way to do so? Makeup wipes certainly aren’t. Makeup wipes can be harsh on the skin in many ways. It can cause wrinkles from excessive tugging on the skin, and it may not get all the makeup off in one clean swipe. Moreover, makeup wipes are not entirely sustainable and can contribute to landfill waste. 


Instead, go for a cleansing balm or a double cleanse system to get that makeup off. A cleansing balm can be more effective and sustainable. A double cleanse system uses an oil-based cleanser followed by a water-based cleanser to clean the face deep within the pores and onto the surface.

Ingredients, ingredients, ingredients!

A product may look good on the surface, but it is essential to always look at the ingredients list to know what you are truly putting on your skin. Some ingredients to avoid include added fragrance, parabens, forms of alcohol, witch hazel, and the list goes on. 


Also, it’s important to note the concentration of each ingredient of a product. Ingredients are listed from most concentrated to least. Suppose a salicylic acid cleanser has salicylic acid, its main ingredient, listed in towards the last. This means that such an active ingredient isn’t as concentrated and therefore might not be as effective. In that case, it is good to assume that maybe there are better salicylic acid cleansers out there.

A Simple Routine is the Best Routine

Constructing an effective yet concise skincare routine is difficult because the possibilities are endless. You may be trying several products to see which works best or purchasing tons of serums in hopes that they will work together like a super serum. But, in truth, sometimes a simple skincare routine can be the most effective. 


A general, simple skincare routine mainly consists of a gentle, effective cleanser, a serum or two, and a good moisturizer. With that, such a skincare routine should be fixed on a skin type or issue. For example, there could be a routine that follows that basic structure, but it is geared more towards oily, acne-prone skin.

Every skincare routine is unique and different in their own ways. But some things, like the tips above, can apply to every skincare regimen!

Vivian is a junior majoring in journalism. She was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. In her free time, you will often find her watching sitcoms, crocheting, reading, or scrolling through Twitter for the best memes.
Her Campus LMU