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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

It’s finally Spooky Season! Sadly, this year we won’t be able to partake in many of our favorite fall activities, but one of my favorite October activities is still doable: watching horror films! Ghosts, slashers, and psychological horror films are queued on many of our watch lists. Coming from a fan of the horror genre, here are five scary movies to kick off October.


Scream (1996)

“What’s your favorite scary movie?” Wes Craven was undoubtedly one of the best horror directors of all time, and this film is no exception! Redefining the genre, Craven created a horror film with characters that are very conscious of the fact that the events happening mimic a horror film — if you ever wanted to know the rules of a slasher flick, this is the film to watch!


US (2019)

Jordan Peele may have won over the hearts of many fans with his debut film Get Out, but his second film US is a true masterpiece. Also redefining the horror genre, Peele is a master of adding social and political commentary into a horror setting. With an epic twist at the end, if you want a movie that will leave you pondering for hours, this is the film to watch!


The Invisible Man (2020)

While Blumhouse Productions doesn’t typically make horror films I love, this one is the ultimate exception. This is the film to watch for lovers of psychological horror. Loosely based on H. G. Wells’ 1897 novel by the same name, director Leigh Whannell does a fantastic job of bringing suspense and science fiction into a story of domestic abuse.


Summer of 84 (2018)

If you liked Disturbia (2007), aka Shia LaBeouf’s acting debut in the horror genre, this is the film to watch! This Canadian horror mystery bears an uncanny resemblance to Disturbia, with a slightly different take — nevertheless, a great suspenseful mystery about a group of teenagers hunting down a murderer in their neighborhood.


The Strangers (2008)

Possibly the scariest movie I have ever seen, Bryan Bertino’s directorial debut puts all other home invasion movies to shame. If you’re a fan of realistic and psychological horror, this is the film to watch — even then, I would still really recommend watching this one with a friend!


All listed films are best with hot drinks, fuzzy blankets, and friends (social distanced, of course) — enjoy!


Megan is a senior English major at Loyola Marymount University, graduating in December 2020. With a heart for discovering the unknown, she loves to travel and learn new things. When not writing, she can often be found hunting for boba, fresh coffee, or city views. :)
Her Campus LMU