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4 Not-So-Secret Secrets About The Entertainment Industry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

A big part about making it in the industry is knowing how the industry works. Here are four not-so-secret secrets that the entertainment industry has.

Those paparazzi run-ins aren’t usually random.  

I mean…isn’t kind of weird that the paparazzi knows the exact day, time, and place certain celebrities are? It’s almost too much of a coincidence. So it makes sense to know that sometimes they are give a huge tip about where celebrities are going to be. It’s a win-win for both parties; the celebrity gets more exposure and the paparazzi gets paid.


Interviews are a bit more scripted than you think.  

Most of the time when celebrities give interviews on the radio or television the questions (and sometimes the answers) are known beforehand, so there are no surprises. That is why so many celebrities get upset when they are asked questions that have no been planned out before. So, if you ever have the chance to interview a celebrity, make sure you go over some questions with them!


Celebrities are given free stuff!  

Alright, I am sure you know this already, but it’s so crazy that I have to put it on the list. Besides being sent free items from different companies, celebrities also have the opportunity to go to Gifting Suites which where they are showered with different gifts. Of course, the companies do this in hopes that the celebrity posts on their social media with their gifts, and more awareness is raised by their brands. However, depending on the nature of how the gift was given, the celebrities can just get a free gift with no expectations.

Hollywood Stars have to be bought.  


Yes there is an extensive process in order to receive a Hollywood Star, but at the end of the process if the celebrity chosen for a Hollywood Star they have to fork over $40,000, which kind of sucks! Imagine having to pay for an award you won, but I guess it’s how the city can make some money too!

Hope these secrets gave you a little more insight to what it is like in the ‘biz!


Loyola Marymount University'19