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16 Reasons You Should Switch to Tea

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

One time I took an online quiz that said I’m only sort of a tea snob.

1. It’s better for hydration

Tea is pretty much just pure water with some amazing tea flavor, so if you want to up your fluid intake, this is the way to go. That also means that it’s fantastic for your skin and getting it hydrated quicker.


2. You can pretend to be British

Tbh, whenever I drink out of a teacup I think about the queen (or the teacup from Beauty and the Beast).


3. It reduces chances of certain cancers

Tea has high levels of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that help to protect the body from cell damage, which leads to cancer. It has also been found that drinking green tea could lower your risk of the disease in general.


4. It has the same amount of caffeine as coffee

There’s a rumor that tea had significantly less caffeine than coffee, but it isn’t actually true. They’re both considered stimulants, but the difference is actually in the depressing effect. Coffee won’t make you sad, but the high will last shorter and drop faster.


5. It’s sooooo easy to make

Sure, there is instant coffee, but all tea is as easy to make as instant coffee. All you need is hot water and a tea bag!

6. There are a ton of antioxidants in tea

Antioxidants are great for your body and keep you looking and feeling fantastic (ever wonder why most produces tell you they’re full of them?) If you want to always look and feel great, consider making the switch!

7. Tea is good for losing weight

Recent research shows that green tea is a great aid in helping people who want to lose weight. It helps kick start your metabolism and it’s a better substitute since it’s pretty much calorie-free. Plus you can’t add much to tea to give it extra calories, unlike pretty much all of Starbuck’s coffee drinks.


8. Coffee stains your teeth

Don’t get me wrong, coffee can be great, but you don’t have the unwarranted side effect of discolouration when it comes to drinking a lot tea.


9. It reduces stress

Green tea has been found to work as an anti-depressant, meaning that taking a cup next time you’re feeling a little down might just help boost your mood.


10. Have you ever heard of a coffee party?

Maybe you have, but let’s be real. Tea parties are the ultimate throwback.


11. Keurigs are bad for the environment

All those little cups go straight into landfill, the creator of Keurigs even admitted he regrets creating them. Plus, have you ever heard anything bad about the tea industry?


12. Traditional Medicinals

Traditional Medicinals have so many teas specifically made to make you feel better when you’re sick. Their “Throat Coat” got me through flu season!


13. The smell isn’t misleading like coffee

Let’s be real, coffee smells a lot better than it can taste.


14. Beauty hacks

Cold tea bags over the eyes can help to reduce puffiness and dark circles, chamomile rinses add a golden sheen to blonde hair, and so many others.


15. Coffee breath is gross

Do I have to justify this?


16. Do you ever hear of anyone who switched from tea to coffee?

I haven’t. There’s no coffee in team.


I started drinking coffee regularly in high school, but switched to tea when I got to college because it’s usually cheaper than a vanilla latte. My all time favorite tea is Art of Tea’s Cream of Earl Grey (and honestly any earl grey), but recently I’ve been liking Yogi’s Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life (Thanksgiving got me good) and their Sweet Tangerine Positive Energy (gotta channel positive vibes for finals).

Lizzie Bromley is a sophomore studying Journalism at Loyola Marymount University. She is in a sorority, CPC VP of Communications and Marketing, involved in Campus Ministry, and the VP of Social Media for Greek Light. She has passions for writing/blogging, spending time with her friends, and binge-watching The Office.
A Cleveland, Ohio native, Kaitlin is a senior English Major at Loyola Marymount University.