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Music Monday: Ride Home Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.

Now that Le-Laf is over, you can almost hear the groans and moans of students around campus yearning to leave Lehigh and spend the Thanksgiving holiday with their families. But with all the holiday traffic, the nagging of your parents about how you party too much, and the screams of your little brothers and sisters from the back seat, your two hour ride home might feel like an eternity. This gives you the perfect time to turn up the music, tune out the world, and relax for the last time before your all-night study sessions next week. So savor your alone-time with these classic tunes and maybe even catch up on some of that much needed sleep after our busiest week of the year.

“Home” – Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

The name says it all. With the song’s relaxed instrumentals and uplifting lyrics about how home can be anywhere where your loved ones are, there’s no doubt that you’ll be excited to see your friends from home and be thrilled gather around the table with your family.  Instead of thinking how dull and humdrum home is, you’ll just be thinking of the good times you have with loved ones.

“The Remedy (I Won’t Worry)”- Jason Mraz

There’s no one on this earth that doesn’t like to sit back and unwind while listening to Jason Mraz’s incredibly soulful voice. Sometimes when we go home and are forced to live under someone else’s rules for a little while, we forget that our independence is hindered for only a little while. Your family is obviously ecstatic to have you come home from a long time away at school, but I can attest to the fact that it can be overwhelming. So let Jason Mraz sing to you about how there’s no reason to worry all the time, and that everything is going to be alright.

“Paper Doll” –John Mayer

This song is a personal favorite of mine since I’m mildly obsessed with John Mayer and whenever he sings a love song, I kind of convince myself that I’m the one he’s singing to. Nevertheless, this soft-rock tune is easy to put you to sleep and give you sweet dreams about your celebrity crush or that evil ex-boyfriend you have professing how he wishes he had you in his arms again. Sounds like a good car ride now, doesn’t it?

“Float On” –Modest Mouse

The name of this song is perfect for just sticking your hand out of the window and feeling the cool November air on your palm. When we’re here at Lehigh, it’s hard to remember that sometimes life doesn’t need to speed at a million miles per hour and that sometimes we need to preserve the memories when there’s absolutely nothing on your mind. So go ahead and feel your hand float in the breeze while you forget your Calc final is only two short weeks away.

“Saturday Night”- Natalia Kills

Sometimes, friends from home believe Lehigh kids party too hard and care too little about our future. Natalia Kills helps you squash the anxiety you have about your friends judging you explaining that “just another Saturday night” might be crazy for some, and that’s totally fine.

“The Way We Move” – Langhorne Slim & The Law

Here’s a song that I love to play since it perfectly matches my scenic ride back to Long Island. It’s a folk rock song that fits perfectly with my views of Pennsylvania farm towns turning into the bright city lights of Manhattan. It just makes you want to bop your head along with the drum-beat as the scenery passes by. 

Hi! I'm Laura. I'm currently a sophomore at Lehigh University and I have been writing for HerCampus for the past two years. I'm an English and History double major, and I'm currently getting my Masters of Education degree at Lehigh. I'm obsessed with anything Audrey Hepburn and one day I will marry Jimmy Fallon, Leonardo DiCaprio, or Jason Gordon Levitt. I also am obsessed with pugs and bulldog puppies.