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How to Survive 4 O’Clocks: Healthy Habits and Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.


We all know whether or not we have been through 4 o’clocks that they are no joke. Just when we think they’re over we have another entire week of them. Although our focus is certainly to do our best possible on the exams ahead of us we also need to make sure we are doing things that help us make it through this stressful time with as few meltdowns as possible. Here’s a few things I live by to keep me sane during 4 O’Clocks.


  1. Sleep.

Although we all know it, most of us neglect to acknowledge how important sleep is for not only our body and health but also contributes to our ability to consolidate learned information. Not only that, but without a solid sleep you are less likely to effectively get through all your goals for the following days.


     2. Relax

Even if your not someone that enjoys a little meditation disconnecting for even a small amount of time is critical. Take a little time for yourself and do a facial mask or maybe go for a short walk outside. Letting yourself slip away from all of the stressors around you gives you time to reflect and reposition yourself for more efficient studying afterwards.


     3. Socialize

Yes, we are all probably cooped up in the library for hours and hours during these dreadful weeks, but that doesn’t mean you need to go into full ghost mode. If you can’t study with your friends (I certainly can’t), coordinate times when you all can go outside and take a short break together. You’ll definitely appreciate hearing that you’re not alone in this.


     4. Eat Well/Work-Out

It is SO easy to snack like crazy during those stressful late hours, but do your body a favor and fill it with something nourishing! Pick up some fruit or grab a smoothie from Saxby’s across the street. Eating well will give you more energy and ensure you avoid that ever so awful sugar crash. Additionally, try to set aside some time to go to the gym or even run outside. You’ll boost your endorphins and reduce so much stress. Also, if you do treat yourself to something yummy you won’t feel so bad about it afterwards. :)


     5. Do something that makes you laugh

I cannot emphasize this enough. LAUGH. Keep up a positive attitude. Watch an SNL sketch (my personal favorite right now is the fortnight one), put on some vine compilations or scroll through some memes. Let yourself let go and release some pent up anxiety and stress.




     6. Get excited for Pacing Break!

Keep yourself motivated by remembering that pacing break is just around the corner. Work hard and smart so you can be rewarded by a long weekend with family and/or friends.


Nicola Chomiak is a writer for the Lehigh University chapter of HerCampus. She majors in Cognitive Science with a prospective minor in Marketing. She enjoys listening to music, working out,and hanging out with friends during her free time.