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Uni: The Ultimate Test for a Relationship… Or Is It?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

When early September comes and uni looms, those in relationships are renowned for panicking. Marching orders are declared with the lines, “we won’t work,”/ “I want to meet new people!”/“it’s over!” But what if you survive this frenzy? Emerging at uni, a newly fledged fresher, with the ‘burden’ of a relationship on your shoulders? A relationship which you thought was anything but a burden until you thought about what others would think of you being tied down at uni.

For many, the thought of independence ignites a desire to “change,” and to “reinvent yourself,” however you’ll be most likely be meeting people in the first few weeks that you will probably never speak to again, despite your attempts to impress.

So why sacrifice something good just because you embark on what is effectively just another step along the tedious path of education? Whilst it is daunting, chucking yourself out there on the social front doesn’t have to mean throwing yourself at everyone who comes along. Some space from that long term partner can be refreshing, as can some much needed “me” time after being joined at the hip for God knows how long, and you have the knowledge that if that uni fling doesn’t come to fruition at least you have that person waiting at home!
If your relationship is on the decline as it stands then of course what is the point in straining to achieve the impossible; there is no denying that a long distance relationship isn’t for the faint hearted! And yet, if you are up for the challenge then why not go for it?

If you leave behind the pre-uni jitters and stick it out, that visit from the boyfriend or girlfriend, emerging from what quickly seems to be your former life, allows you to revert back to the familiar. God knows after surviving on solely pasta for a month, you’ll need the excuse to hit the red hot buffet on the Headrow and escape that not-so-clean kitchen! However hard you attempt to be independent, that occasional longing for home never quite leaves you. Seeing the ‘other half’ makes a nice change.

If you are prepared to refrain from those one night stands, preserve some dignity and can satisfy yourself with the occasional flirtatious dance or two, being in a relationship can do wonders for your self-esteem. For one there is nobody to impress; going out in those comfortable flats wearing an outfit that actually covers your derrière is the best feeling in the world- no incredibly painful feet to go with the hangover. Wearing flats with jeans and a nice top is by far the easiest way to disguise the drunken stumbling, and you won’t be tripping over when your heel gets caught in a cobblestone, trying to catch the eye of that oh-so handsome guy on the corner!
The declaration months before uni that “you will under no circumstance stay in a relationship” is easier said than done. More often than not your halls are full of those very same people in a relationship who swore that they’d be single.

Uni shouldn’t be considered as a no-go-area for relationships. In my short time here those singletons who ditched their partners prior to uni are in the minority. Maybe being in a relationship is the on-trend thing to do?! The excuse that you have a boyfriend/girlfriend make it far easier to fend off the sleazy hands, meaning that you can go out for a no strings attached girly night on the town, hit Chilli Whites or Tequila, and let your hair down!

If you don’t stick it out you’ll never know what could have been. Give it a shot and see what happens!

Hannah first joined Her Campus as part of the Illinois branch as a writer during her study abroad year at UofI. While in the US, Hannah joined Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and subsequently began to write a weekly column for the Greek newspaper, The Odyssey. Now back home in the UK, Hannah has founded the first ever UK HC branch for her own university, The University of Leeds. She is in her final year of a Politics degree and is excited for the year ahead and what great things Her Campus Leeds will achieve. Outside of her studies, Hannah enjoys travel, fashion and being an alumni of The University of Leeds Celtics Cheerleading squad where she ran as PR Secretary for the committee during her 2nd year.