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Single Pringle and Ready to Mingle!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

I have done the long distance relationship, and I have done the serious relationship. Now, I have moved on to the single time of my life, and out of the three, I am currently having the most fun. Don’t get me wrong, being in a relationship is great; having someone in your life that you can rely on unconditionally is a definite bonus, especially during stressful times at university. However, being single is also absolutely incredible, and I am here to remind all of you why you should not feel down about not being in a relationship, even if all of your friends are. I am sorry to all those who are in a relationship, but being single is brilliant, and you should be jealous!




Now that I am single, life is great: I can go out on my own without feeling like a loner because I am not with someone else. Do you realise how relaxing it is to go to a café and get a drink on your own? You don’t have to make conversation with anyone, but instead, you can simply sit and people-watch. Yes, I do realise that makes me sound a bit like a stalker, but who doesn’t enjoy people watching? The point that I am trying to make is that I have become more independent since I have been single. This is one of the key life skills that we need; you can’t always rely on someone to be there for you. Being single helps you realise this and deal with it.


As a third year student, I have also managed to get a great deal more done in my free time now that I am single! I boosted my grades, I have become the secretary of a society, and I write articles every month. Whilst it is nice to stay in with your boyfriend and chill for the evening, I am now doing things that I want to do, instead of having to compromise. Getting your own way is actually quite fun! I no longer have to explain myself to anyone, as the only person I answer to is myself. With all of my free time, I have had the chance to do things that I always wanted to do, and I no longer have to worry about when I will next see my other half.





I have also met lots of new people! When I was in a relationship, I didn’t always feel the need to go out and meet people. Now, however, on nights out I come into contact with new people. I have also had many great experiences, some of which probably would not have happened if I had been curled up at home with the boyfriend. The amount of new stories and friends that I have made over the last year are incredible. If I meet a guy in a club, I no longer feel the awkward need to run away and hide (unless he is truly creepy and weird), and nor do I worry about what my boyfriend would think if he saw me. I can go out with my friends and not fret about what I do or say (although this does still get me into trouble when I come out with some very embarrassing lines). Importantly, I can stand there and talk. Networking is another key skill that we need in life, and being single has helped me to expand these skills. Therefore, I could possibly argue that being single is helping me to develop attributes that will contribute to my job later on in life.


One of the brilliant things about being single is that it has been shown to be better for your health than if you were in a relationship. It has been proven that men and women who live together are at a higher risk of obesity than those who live on their own*. Mentally, being single is also better for you. Occasionally, the stress that is experienced as result of the arguments that may occur in a relationship, can lead to weight gain. This is especially relevant when you are in your final year, as extra stress is not needed. Therefore, being single is good for your health!




One of the main things that I have realised whilst being single is that I don’t need a boyfriend. Yes, it would be nice to have one, but I do not need one. Besides, while I am waiting for someone to turn up, I am having the time of my life being single. So, do not get upset about not being in a relationship; instead, embrace being single. Go out with your friends, or stay in and pamper yourself (I am now the queen of painting my nails and giving myself facials)! Either way, being single is the best.


* http://fitbie.msn.com/slidesho…


Image Sources:

Girl in cafe – http://www.sheknows.com/love-and-sex/articles/822953/how-to-balance-girl-time-date-time-and-you-time

Girl reading – http://allwomenstalk.com/fun-books-for-single-girls/