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Profile: Josie Penfold

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

This week Her Campus Leeds talks to their very own Editor-in-Chief to find out a bit about her role and why she loves HC so much!

How did you get involved in Her Campus?

I joined last year and wrote a travel blog, which I absolutely loved and still continue to do it now! I was also a member of the copy-editors team because that’s something I love doing, I have a thing for correcting people’s mistakes! I wanted to get as involved in Her Campus as much as I possibly could. I love the magazine, I love the content and I knew I wanted to get on to the committee in the next academic year. When the role of Editor-in-Chief came up I knew that would be the perfect role. It meant I would oversee all the content that was getting published and whilst still getting involved in the editing side of stuff as much as possible!

What do you like the most about Her Campus?

I love that it’s a magazine that you can write about anything you want (within reason!) – it allows the writer to truly put their voice forward and show a bit of their personality. The content is so varied and I think that’s fantastic because there’s something for everyone.

What are people writing about in your chapter?

Well as I say we have a range of material coming in. One of our girls writes a fabulous life style blog where she tells us about cool places to head to in and around Leeds. Another girl is writing a vegan blog which is really cool because she’s so passionate about it and offers some really good help in terms of what and where to eat for those who are or are thinking about becoming vegan. On top of this, we have a celebrity blog, and loads of interesting articles ranging from politics to beauty.

Are there any challenges involved in this role?

With everything there is a challenge really. So yeah, I’d say so. Meeting deadlines and making sure we have enough content each week can be quite stressful, but the girls all write really well and care about what they’re writing about, which is important, and so it makes it a lot easier. I think running any magazine is difficult to a certain extent, but it’s about the team all putting in and working together which is why even when things are ‘bad’, it’s not for very long!

Are you involved in any other media outlets?

Yes, I have written for the Gryphon (the university newspaper) which I want to start up again once I get these Uni deadlines in! I also write for a magazine outside of Uni called Leeds Living which is really fun!

Is this what you’d like to get involved in in the future?

Yes, one million percent yes! I love writing, I love editing. I’d love to be an editor for a magazine, maybe write on the side and help with the publishing side of things. I like to get things out there, and it’s so rewarding to see your hard work pay off when all of the hours of editing or whatever comes up all pretty and perfect on the website. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be an editor-in-chief of a magazine outside of Uni; that would be amazing!