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International Women’s Day: To All the Women Who Inspire Me…

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

There are so many women in my life who inspire me constantly, from family members, to friends, to celebrities. Whether from my personal life or public figures, I am inspired by them every day – not just on International Women’s Day. Nonetheless, today is a great opportunity to think about the women who influence you every day. I am extremely grateful to all the women in my life for encouraging me, and for being a constant in my life – so without any further ado, here are some of the many women who inspire me every day. 

First off, my incredible Mum. She is the person I go to for advice whenever I need it – questions about the washing machine? Call Mum (and yes, at my big old age of 21 I do still ask my Mum these questions). She has pushed me to work hard and encouraged me to keep aiming high so I can achieve anything I want to. I truly do not know where I would be without her… I’d probably still be stuck trying to figure out how to tie my laces, or how to use Circuit Laundry in first year accommodation. 

And how could I not mention my little sister? From putting on shows for our parents in the back garden during the summer holidays, to hearing about her performances in her performing arts group’s productions. Watching her work hard at becoming an actress is so exciting as her older sister. And yes, we get on each other’s nerves 

constantly, but all jokes aside, watching her work hard at something she loves inspires me and makes me incredibly happy. 

Up next – my friends from home. We’ve all scattered around the country a little bit and lead very different lives, but I miss them all constantly. It can be difficult to message them during term time, but going home for holidays and hearing about everything they’ve accomplished since the last time I saw them is always amazing. Whether it’s watching the social media content they create for the companies they work for, hearing about their degrees, their jobs, the books they’ve been reading recently, or listening to them talk about their goals (watch out world, here comes Dr Williams!), I am so proud to call these wonderful women my friends. 

And last, but not least – my housemates. Let’s face it, university can be tough and can feel really isolated sometimes, so I’m very grateful to my three housemates for always listening to me complain about my degree, for encouraging me to keep going and for creating an environment where I feel supported and a little bit less alone. For the countless evenings watching the Bachelor or the Apprentice, and sitting in the living room eating doughnuts or cookie dough at all hours of the day, I know I have truly made friends who will stick by me forever. 

To all of the beautiful women in my life, thank you for always being a source of inspiration and for encouraging me to keep going. Here’s to us!

Written By: Gabrielle Estorninho 

Edited By: Hattie Murdoch 

A second year English Literature and Portuguese student who loves writing, music, coffee, reading and is passionate about social issues :)