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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

Hope you’re all well and not too full of fresher’s flu! Although these first weeks of uni aren’t too much hard work, we’re here to help with any problems that might be bothering you other than the onslaught of lectures, particularly your love life. So keep sending in all your questions and we’ll continue to answer as many as we can. In the meantime, enjoy the fresher fun while it lasts!

On a recent drunken night out, a friend shocked me by making a move on me. Even after I knocked him back, he continued to make a move on me, even asking to take me on a date. The night ended with me going home because I felt so uncomfortable and I haven’t seen him since. How can I get it into his head that I don’t want anything more than friendship from him?

First of all, don’t be too worried about this problem as it might have just been the drink talking. Perhaps ask your friends to stop winding you and him up about the situation and not to mention it again. You could even do the same, unless you think his feelings are real then you just have to be honest and make it absolutely clear that you don’t have any feelings other than friendship for him and hopefully he will accept this and move on without damaging your friendship.

I’ve met a boy on my course and we ended up hooking up during fresher’s week. We’ve hooked up again since, but we’ve always been drunk when it’s happened. He’s a lovely guy and I want to be more than just a booty call!

Well we hate to break it to you, but at the moment that’s exactly what you are! You need to learn to say no when you’re both drunk. Only once you both sober up can you start to think about being anything more. Don’t degrade yourself to being just a drunken booty call, we’re sure you’re better than that!

I’ve just started my year of studying abroad and it’s going great and I’m really enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. However, my boyfriend is back in England and we knew it was going to be hard but we said we would try to make it work. He seems to be handling it well, busy with his friends and uni work, but I seem to be struggling and get jealous every time I hear he’s been out again or when I see pictures of him on nights out pop up on Facebook. I know I can trust him but I can’t seem to help but get jealous and then even worse I seem to take it out on him!

First of all, don’t be so hard on yourself. A long distance relationship is bound to be difficult and I’m sure he’s not handling it as well as you think he is. The best thing you can do is be completely honest and tell him how much you do trust him. I’m sure if you talk to him it will help him to realise why you might sometimes take it out on him, which will hopefully make it easier for him to understand and forgive you for it.

…Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie – don’t save it for a special occasion; today is special…

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