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FoodCycle Charity Sets Up Community Kitchen Fundraiser in LS6

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

National charity FoodCycle is opening a new LS6 based project to raise money and awareness, whilst feeding the community and bringing people together. The LS6 FoodCycle Feast seeks to raise money through serving a delicious three course dinner, made from food that would otherwise go to landfill. Once a month, a team of volunteers will collect surplus food from the local Sainsbury’s and use these ingredients to create healthy, three course, vegetarian meals for up to 35 people. Tickets were sold for the first event, for a suggested donation of £5. All proceeds went back into the charity, to help fund the Little London Community Centre project that currently cooks twice a month for refugees and asylum seekers learning English.

The LS6 FoodCycle Feast is a project started by students, but with aims to bring together a variety of people, as volunteers or as guests. There are 14 different FoodCycle hubs across the country, including a similar student fundraising group in Bristol. A team of volunteers cooked onMonday 11th March, at Burley Lodge Community Centre and welcomed guests to food and light entertainment.

Tim (a volunteer): ‘FoodCycle is a creative and social solution to the problem of food waste in our society!’.

Clem Capel- Bird (Co-organiser of LS6 FoodCycle Feast): ‘I got involved because I was inspired by FoodCycle and its goals and the things it achieves; saving so much food and creating a community to share great meals’.

About FoodCycle:
* FoodCycle builds communities by combining volunteers, surplus food, and spare kitchen spaces to create nutritious meals for people at risk from food poverty and social isolation.
* FoodCycle runs 14 volunteer-powered community projects across the UK, working to reduce food waste, food poverty and social isolation among vulnerable groups.

For more information: www.foodcycle.org.uk / www.twitter.com/foodcycle /@foodcycleleeds/ www.facebook.com/foodcycle