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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

Fitness File for Fitness-phobes

A Social (and very Physical) Experiment

This week, presenting you…


For those stubborn muscles we hate most!


So here it is, the day we’ve all been waiting for… or not. It comes every year, and every year its cringey cards, pink paraphernalia and assorted stuffed animals clutching love hearts line the shelves in every shop, or so it seems. That’s it: it’s Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air and everyone around campus is either panicking about what to buy for their S.O., planning a cosy ‘Palentines’ (sharing the love with friends), or submitting to the bittersweet sorrow of passing the day solo. Whatever you’re doing for Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to love your body, be that as part of your usual gym routine or with the ambition to get fit for the weekend ahead.

But in the end, who needs a festival to remind us to take care of ourselves! Regardless of whether Valentine’s Day drives you or not, the class I have chosen for this week is sure to get you on your way to body bliss. I present to you: BLT (Bums, Legs and Tums)!

Sadly, I’m not talking about the sandwich, although one definitely feels deserved after this workout. This class is designed to work the muscle groups that retain the most fat, the ones most of us hate to expose and strive to improve in time for bikini season. We’re talking about abs, quads and glutes. Yes, those ones that jiggle and wiggle, especially during these post-Christmas months. But never fear, BLT is here and it is heading straight to attack those wobble-worries.

The idea of this class is to burn calories, strengthen and tone with fast results – and you certainly see and feel the results! Burning and toning is the best way to get that Beyoncé booty, those Ellie Goulding abs and those luscious legs that we all desire, making this the ideal class to build into your gym routine. It is worth bearing in mind that every instructor does it differently; some decide to use weights whilst others focus on bodyweight, some classes are more intense whilst others give you results without the inability to walk afterwards. Regardless of which method each instructor goes for, you are sure to have a satisfying workout that will give you immediate results.

On a Monday lunchtime, the class I chose involved purely floor work – that is, using your own bodyweight to work your lower muscle groups. Easy, you cry. No weights, no worries, you laugh. You could not be more wrong… Although, I promise it’s still enjoyable! From bum-tightening squats to ab-burning crunches, this class is ideal for a midday blast, getting all those muscles working without too much sweat and you walk out feeling satisfied.

For those of you seeking a quick impact, localised muscle workout with focused results, try this class. You won’t regret it!

My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Duration: 45 minutes

Intensity: 3

Sweat: 2

Difficulty: 2

Aftermath: 4 (aching in a good way!)

Result: 4 (you see the results after the first session – all the more reason to keep going!)




