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Feminine Rage: A Shout Into The Void

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

Anonymously write anything you are angry about in regards to being a woman. This is your safe space to let it out.

Trigger Warning: Women’s lack of safety, mental health, cat-calling, sexual harassment.

Written by the womxn of Her Campus Leeds

I HATE how women’s health issues are disregarded and ignored by health care professionals. 

Why is it that when I struggle with beauty-standards I am told to ‘love myself’ instead of society tackling these heteronormative beauty-standards and representing all types of womxn????

I’m so tired of always having to be on the alert when I’m out by myself, even in the daytime. 

I hate how difficult it is for women to be diagnosed as neurodivergent. 

It’s so unfair that men get to age gracefully and naturally, but women are expected to stay “youthful” looking forever. And then if you get plastic surgery or botox to stop “ageing”, you get judged for that too. You just can’t win. 


I wish the police would take stalking & street harassment seriously.

I hate that so many young boys are growing up with people like Andrew Tate as their role models, it makes me terrified for the next generation of women. 

It’s very upsetting to think that a lot of men are only kind and respectful to women they find attractive.

It’s seriously disgusting that girls are catcalled the most when they are 12-17 years old. 

Why are all nights out somehow ruined by some man either crossing a boundary or being rude every time?? Why can’t they just leave women alone just once? 

I hate how women’s interests are always looked down upon, but men’s interests are seen as charming and interesting

Will society ever allow girls to look normal and not judge every little thing about their appearance 


So sick of seeing all friends insecure about themselves when they are amazing and gorgeous women the lot of them 🥺

How has tiktok made me scared of getting wrinkles when i’m literally in my early twenties?!?

“I’m just a girl” no you’re literally the most gorgeous, clever, selfless person I have ever met and every conversation with you grows my knowledge ten fold.

I hate how women are judged for being sexually liberated when men are applauded for it

I hate how my friends feel self-conscious to go and dress in what they want because they’re scared of being judged!

I hate that my moods have to change just because of my periods, and men don’t have to deal with it!

I hate being talked down to by a man, like you don’t understand something just because you are a woman. 

Having to work extra hard in our careers to reach the same point as men. 

I feel like a crazy paranoid person always thinking about when it is the safest to be outside. I hate that I don’t feel safe wearing headphones when I walk alone. 

I hate that when I say I don’t want to have children I get screamed at by my own family 

I hate when my dad comments on my hair or what I’m wearing. When he says I need to be more feminine or change a hairstyle. 

I hate that I feel embarrassed to say I have a period and it hurts to do anything. I feel like I need to push through. 

I hate that I have to pay ridiculous amounts of money to get pads because I have a heavy flow. I hate that people give me suggestions about cups. I tried it but it didn’t work! 

I hate that as a woman I am bossy, bitchy and arrogant. I hate that men who act the same as me are assertive, strong-minded and leaders. 

I hate that I learnt to walk home with a key between my fist when I was alone at the age of thirteen. 

I hate having to cater to men’s perceptions of how women should act towards them to appease them and avoid further harassment. The lord knows it’s unladylike to tell men to fuck off when they’re aggressively overstepping boundaries!

I hate that I’m treated with less respect when I don’t appear as feminine as people expect women to be. 

I hate that the thought of men’s treatment of women overpowers everything I love about being a woman. I hate that giving fear priority is the only way to stay safe. 

I hate that I was cat-called more in my school uniform than I am now as a grown woman. 

How they scam us into buying jeans with NO POCKETS!!

Men’s hoodies are made more comfier even though women get their periods – WHY IS THAT SO?

I hate that women have to choose between career success or having children, why can’t we have both?

I feel such sadness and understanding for little girls who go through puberty early, it’s so hard when you’re just a child but grown men see you as a sexual object. 

I wish women weren’t so pressured to have children, not all of us are destined to be mothers. 

I’m tired of feeling like the ‘clock is ticking’ when it comes to my appearance and my youth. Who’s to say I can’t dress cool and have fun at 60? 

I’m sick of men refusing to call themselves ‘feminists’, and then proceed to describe themselves as exactly what a feminist is. 

It feels kind of bad to admit, but my life is so much better with no men in it. 

I hate that as a woman your looks are all that people care about, whether you’re conventionally attractive or not. 

I wish women’s clothing could be both comfortable and flattering, not either or. 

It’s actually crazy that women have to ‘gather’ evidence and share their location with friends and family before a first date in case something bad happens to them.

I hate that I’m always polite to men, even when they make me uncomfortable, just because I’m too scared to make them angry. 

I hate that being a woman pretty much means that you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. 

I hate that women have to be super tough and non-emotional to be ‘likeable’ movie and TV show characters. 

It drives me crazy to see the amount of women that are wildly talented but doubt themselves too much. 

Menstrual depression needs to be classed as a bigger issue than it is.

I hate the amount of safety risks that need to be taken into account before going out and having fun.

I’m so sick of women’s bodies going in and out of ‘fashion’, we aren’t trends we are people!!!!!!

I wish all girls felt safe in their own homes. 

I wish more women saw themselves as other women do. 

I hate the assumption that childcare is a woman’s job. 

I hate everything about the male gaze. I utterly hate that I’ve internalised it after years of experiencing it.

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