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Fashion Blog – Drib Drab Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

I am the BIGGEST culprit of this so don’t worry girls I am not judging. I just felt like it needed to be said that when the sun takes a break over winter, so does our colour creativity. Whether we are going to lectures, to the shops or a night out we tend to wear two colours; Grey or Black.

Nothing wrong with that, my whole wardrobe is grey, black and white BUT if the weather is going to make us feel yuck, surely we should try inject a bit of fun and colour into our outfits.
My mum constantly goes on, ‘You always wear the same thing’, ‘No colour in your outfits’ blah blah blah….
Well I feel its time we make a conscious effort to snap out of our style depression and make my mum happy. I’m not saying go out and buy brightly coloured clothes as that has to be one of my most least favourite trends, just go for something brown or navy one day and see how you get on.
Here is an example of a winter outfit that will put a smile on yours and other people’s faces whilst you skip (the effect not wearing black will have on you) through the park.
For those of you who really want to go the whole hog and get into the spirit of things here are a few injections of colour and style that the high street of Leeds is currently offering us:
Hannah first joined Her Campus as part of the Illinois branch as a writer during her study abroad year at UofI. While in the US, Hannah joined Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and subsequently began to write a weekly column for the Greek newspaper, The Odyssey. Now back home in the UK, Hannah has founded the first ever UK HC branch for her own university, The University of Leeds. She is in her final year of a Politics degree and is excited for the year ahead and what great things Her Campus Leeds will achieve. Outside of her studies, Hannah enjoys travel, fashion and being an alumni of The University of Leeds Celtics Cheerleading squad where she ran as PR Secretary for the committee during her 2nd year.