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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

Name: Cecilia English

Year: 1

Course: Communications and Media

She would describe her style as: 90s

Favourite item to wear: Dr Martens

Name: Genevieve Brown

Year: 2

Course: Theatre and Performance

She would describe her style as: Dark but elegant

Favourite Item to wear: Summer dress or Winter coat

Name: Marie-Noelle

Year: 3

Course: Law

She would describe her style as: Classic

Her favourite item to wear: Earrings


Name: Eleo Tibbs (left)

             Lucy Butler (right)

Year: 1

Course: English Literature

             Cinema and Photography

They would describe their styles as: Grunge

Favourite item to wear: Jumpers



Name: Declan Pleudoll

Year: 3

Course: Linguistics

He would describe his style as: Borrowed

Favourite item to wear: His coat


Name: Oliver Holt

Year: 2

Course: Fine Art

He would describe his style as: 50s inspired

Favourite item to wear: Dr Marten Loafers


Emma McNulty