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Beauty Blog – The cold has hit Leeds!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

The cold weather has officially hit Leeds!

At the end of last week we saw a change in the weather across the country with the first flakes of snows beginning to fall up North. Whilst part of me is actually quite excited about the prospect of cold weather as it signifies the start of winter and more importantly the build up to Christmas, but on the other hand it means fighting against the elements and protecting myself from the harsh conditions. Without meaning to sound dramatic I would like to clarify I don’t mean physically fighting against the elements, I mean having to protect my hair and skin just that little bit more.

The cold weather has few perks unless you’re cruising down a mountain; it simply dries out your hair and skin and makes people generally miserable and run down. But this year I want to change that! And hopefully by embracing the cold weather and staying protected I can breeze through the winter months.

In winter a bad hair day can literally last a whole season with the cold weather causing havoc to your locks. On the whole, people neglect their hair much more in winter than they do in summer, failing to notice that wind and rain can do just as much damage as the sun and seawater. The cold weather causes your hair to dry out and lose its nutrients as well as become static. However don’t panic, as there is a cure! One of my favourite beauty products, which I use all year round but especially in winter is Moroccan Argan Oil. This has been my hair salvation and I’m sure it will be yours too. If your hair is particularly dry you can go all out and use Moroccan Oil shampoo and conditioner, however I usually stick to the serum, applying it liberally to the ends of my hair after it has been washed. The result is soft, luscious locks! I use the Organix renewing Moroccan Argan Oil available at Boots, retailing at £6.99. Move over Rapunzel!

One thing I hate more than dry hair is dry skin! And in winter either one is pretty much guaranteed which is just great! But dry skin, like dry hair can easily be reduced. The cold weather starves your skin of moisture, making it appear dull. One way to help reduce this is to make sure you keep hydrated and drink lots of water but also in winter I swear by using primer under my foundation. This is not a substitute for moisturizer but applied after to fully protect your skin. The Laura Mercier Primer contains high water content and helps keep skin hydrated for longer, containing Vitamins A, C, and E, which help protect the skin further. A little bit pricier…but definitely worth it!

So now you have hair ALMOST as glossy as Kate Middleton’s and radiant glowing skin step out and embrace the cold weather!

Photo Sources:
1. http://bamboozlebeautyblog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/organix-renewing-moroccan-argan-oil.html
