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Agony Aunts – Fran & Chan: Your Love Life Sorted

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.


Hello again! We hope you’ve all had a good couple of weeks and a wicked Halloween, despite the mid-term deadline panic! We’re back again this week hoping to help you with more love problems. Don’t forget to keep emailing HC Leeds with any problems or questions you might have, remember we will keep them completely anonymous.

I’ve been ‘seeing’ someone for a couple of months now, we both know it’s an exclusive relationship but we’ve still not made it ‘official’, does it matter?

Ahh the good old ‘seeing each other’ stage. Some people are more than happy to go along with this, but if this isn’t for you then you need to talk properly and openly about the situation and find out why they aren’t ready to make it official. This could be down to a problem like commitment issues, or even something as simple as the thought having not crossed their mind yet. Either way, you need to get your feelings off your chest and find a solution that works for you both; after all, if you both like each other then you shouldn’t be afraid to show it.

I’ve recently had a one night stand with someone and now they want more, but I just don’t feel that way and I’m not even interested in having a relationship at all. I don’t want to hurt them or ruin our friendship but I just don’t know how to handle it.

There’s no easy way to let someone down, but honesty is always better than stringing them along. It may seem hard now, but you sometimes have to be cruel to be kind; so make clear to them what you do and don’t want. Hopefully this will then help to prevent the blurring of the boundaries between lovers and friends. Learn from this and try not to make heartbreaking into a habit; be careful not to get yourself a reputation.

My boyfriend and I have both started university this year in different cities. I’m not finding the long distance part difficult, but I’m just finding it very hard to control my jealousy when I keep seeing pictures of him on Facebook with other girls.

For starters, Facebook can be a killer in relationships, so try not to become an obsessive profile stalker. You’re both at the stage where you’re bound to be meeting new people and see your partner with new faces; try to think of the harmless photos he may see of you and your new friends, remember that you’ll both be in the same situation. Always keep in mind that you both trust each other, and Facebook will only feed your jealousy, so if needs be, STEER CLEAR of Facebook altogether – it’s not worth jeopardising your relationship for.

Fran&Chan to the rescue…see you next time!

Image 1: http://www.ghank.com/love-pictures/

Image 2: Authors’ own