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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

We all love to pamper ourselves, but beauty products can be expensive and our student budget can only go so far. However, our lack of funds doesn’t mean we can’t look our best! These six recipes are natural, really easy to make and guaranteed to make you glow.

Stretch marks

Spring is the time when we all start wearing shorts and miniskirts, but this may mean your stretch marks will be on show! Some of you will be lucky enough not to have any but if you do, don’t worry; there are a few tricks to fade the marks. Warm coconut oil and rosehip seed oil are the most common solutions to fade stretch marks. However, if you prefer a cheaper remedy, mix half an avocado with a teaspoon of lemon and a teaspoon of honey until it forms a paste. Apply the paste on the stretch marks whilst massaging the area and leave it on for 30 minutes. Do this every day until the stretch marks fade. You should notice the results in a couple of weeks!

Hair mask

We all love having soft and glossy locks but buying hair masks can be quite expensive. Make your own hair mask by mixing avocado and a teaspoon of olive oil in a bowl.  Apply the paste on the ends of your hair (you can apply it all over you hair but as it’s quite greasy so if you apply it on the roots,it may make your hair greasier!) cover the areas you’ve applied the paste to with foil or cling film and wash your hair after 30 minutes. 

Another easy way of getting heavenly soft locks is apply lemon juice to your hair after washing it. Get a lemon and squeeze it to get the juice. Once you have the juice sieve it to separate the pulp from the juice- you don’t want to end up with bits of lemon on your hair! Apply the juice all over your hair before brushing. Once your hair is dry you’ll notice that it is incredibly soft!

Luscious lips

I don’t know about you but I always tend to get dry skin on my lips and it’s especially annoying when you’re getting ready for a night out and your lipstick looks like an absolute mess. This easy lip exfoliant will get rid of all the dry skin on your lips:

Put a big spoonful of sugar on a small plate. Then pour a tablespoon of honey in the middle of the sugar and mix it thoroughly with a spoon. When it’s all been mixed pick up your toothbrush and put some of the paste on it. Start moving the paste over your lips in circular motions until necessary. If you have an electric toothbrush, let the toothbrush do the work for you! After exfoliating, leave the mix on your lips for a couple of minutes so that your lips can absorb all off the sweet goodness the honey contains. After a couple of minutes you can wash off the mix and sorted! If you have any lip balm, apply some lip balm on your lips to keep them hydrated.


Pore strips are great to get rid of blackheads but they can be quite expensive and they don’t always reach all areas.  To make your own pore strips you’ll need milk and gelatine. Mix gelatine and a little bit of milk in a bowl until it turns into a paste. Put the mix in the microwave for ten seconds and then it’s ready! Apply it on the areas you wish to clean. Wait for the mix to dry and then peel it off. Your skin will be glowing!

Natural eye makeup remover

This may sound weird at first but it really works! Olive oil is a great eye makeup remover. It’s 100% natural and it makes your skin really soft (and it’s cheaper than anything you’ll find in Boots!). You only have to put some olive oil on a plate and dip some cotton wool in it. If you don’t believe me, watch this video:

Fresh Feet

We are all going to start wearing sandals very soon and we all want our feet to look perfect. Use this natural feet scrub to get rid of any dry skin you may have:

Mix ½ cup of lemon zest and a cup of white or brown sugar in a bowl. Once they’ve been thoroughly mixed add ½ cup of grapeseed oil (you can also use almond or olive oil). Combine the oil into the sugar mix until the sugar is completely saturated.  Set it aside and after 30 minutes check if you have enough oil. The sugar should be at the bottom and you should have 1/2 an inch of oil above the sugar. If there isn’t enough oil, add some more and mix it all again.  The scrub is now ready to use. Keep the scrub in an airtight container to use it again in the future.

These are only a couple of tips but there are loads more to be found on the internet. Using natural ingredients isn’t only cheaper than most beauty products but you also know that they are 100% good for you, unlike any products you can find in a shop, whose ingredients you can’t even pronounce. So, next time you go to the supermarket remember to stock up on all of these ingredients and get ready to look beautiful!

Hannah first joined Her Campus as part of the Illinois branch as a writer during her study abroad year at UofI. While in the US, Hannah joined Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and subsequently began to write a weekly column for the Greek newspaper, The Odyssey. Now back home in the UK, Hannah has founded the first ever UK HC branch for her own university, The University of Leeds. She is in her final year of a Politics degree and is excited for the year ahead and what great things Her Campus Leeds will achieve. Outside of her studies, Hannah enjoys travel, fashion and being an alumni of The University of Leeds Celtics Cheerleading squad where she ran as PR Secretary for the committee during her 2nd year.