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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

We’ve all heard of summer flings, but who says flings are just for summer? Just because summer is over and the lattes have gone from vanilla to pumpkin doesn’t mean that you can’t still get in touch with your flirtatious side. Too ensure that your flirting doesn’t end up a big Fail Mary, here are 10 textbook flirting mistakes to avoid when getting your flirt on. 

1.Flipping your hair constantly

A well-timed hair flip can be hot. But constantly flipping your hair just makes it seem like there’s an angry bee stuck in there or like you’re suffering from a weird tic – not sexy. Excessive Hair Flipping Syndrome (EHFS) is a real thing…I think.  I say keep the flipping and twirling to a minimum. But if you still feel the need to attempt the hair flip please make sure you don’t accidentally blind innocent bystanders in the process (It happens, trust me). 

2.Being too keen

This one is très important! Ladies unless he invited you to a BBQ don’t be all up in his grill. There is such a thing as too personal too soon (who would have thought!?).  You really don’t want to come off too clingy. So yeah…don’t be an eager beaver. Play it cool girl!

3.Cramming too much information into a first encounter.

Brining up past relationships, listing your hobbies, going on and on about your great uncle Henry. There really is no need to mention the extended family when making a first impression. You don’t want to come on too strong. It might be best to keep it light for now.

4.Nonstop giggling

I know, I know, guys like it when you laugh at their jokes – but giggling uncontrollably at everything he says (especially when it’s the opposite of funny) is just a big fat no. Laugh long enough and he will slowly start to think you’re borderline 50 shades of cray. 

5.Too much eye contact

This might come as a total shocker but too much eye contact can make you seem just a little bit creepy. Maybe dial back the eyeballing a little. I get it, you want to bat those lashes at him and show him that you’re interested – but sometimes less is more. You don’t want him to feel like he’s under interrogation.

6.Drinking too much

We all need a bit of Dutch courage at times, but once you hit the magic zone you need to stop. You don’t want to end up in wasted-city (nothing good ever happens in wasted-city). Slurring = big turn off.  So please try and control yourself – waking up the next morning thinking: ‘OMG, What have I done!’ isn’t all that great. 

7.Acting like you’re dumb when you’re NOT

There is a misconception that men don’t like intelligent women. We don’t know who said that, or why! There is never an excuse to dumb yourself down. So please don’t play dumb. Just…don’t. You shouldn’t be afraid to be the smart girl that you are! Be confident in yourself.

8.Being mean to him in a way you’re pretty sure is super flirty

If you have a sarcastic retort for their every comment, maybe they’ll realize you like them! But maybe they’ll assume you hate them. There’s a fine line between playful banter and being rude. I suggest skipping the Joan Collins attitude.

9.Talking about yourself like there’s no tomorrow

You know you’re great, and if you let him talk about himself for a while, he’ll know it too. You don’t want to give him the impression that you’re egoistic, and only capable of talking about yourself. Maybe slide in a question here and there? Just make an effort to try and not hog the conversation too much. To sum up: monologues = BIG DON’T!

10.Never making a move and hoping he has some kind of magic mind reading powers

This one works all the time (NO!). Don’t expect the guy to magically know that you’re into him….it’s not going to happen. So instead of praying that he’ll figure out just how into him you are, how about making a step to show your interest? Confidence is always attractive. If you’re not sure how to strike up a conversation you can always pull a “It’s October 3rd!” (Mean Girls, anyone?).  




