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The XY Files – Is Thin Really In?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

It seems that we girls today are so overly concerned with appearances…and for good reason. With constant reminders of what we’re “supposed” to look like staring back at us from Victoria Secret catalogs and magazine advertisements, most of us lose all sense of what is normal. Body image is important to almost every girl, but where do we draw the line?

Body weight is a constant worry for all of us, but how much do guys really care? I think it’s safe to say that a healthy body weight is important to everyone, but I know there are girls out there who think even that isn’t good enough. One guy told me: “There’s a reason why it’s called ‘healthy weight’…it looks good.” This constant paranoia about being too fat just isn’t necessary. Believe it or not, looking healthy and looking “good” are the same thing.
“I like a girl who takes care of her body, regardless of what size she may be.” We women come in all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t make sense to even try to compare one body to another, especially with those that are hand selected, manicured and photo-shopped to be in movies and advertisements. Girls that take too much time fussing over every pound only turn guys away faster. “Girls that are so concerned about their weight tend to lose sense of the world around them and forget to live.”
Guys tend to focus on the simple things, as opposed to us girls who think about anything and everything all at once. “I’d much rather have a girl with some meat on her bones. It’s much better for cuddling.” Like I said, the simple things. Two or three pounds may make all the difference in the world to you, but your man won’t care at all when he’s holding you close.
Your body is only one element that attracts potential partners. Don’t forget about the power you express in your eyes, face, and personality. Plus, every guy is attracted to different things. Putting too much concern into “being too fat” will only take away from the beautiful image that is you.
Thin is out. You are in.
Double X

Ivanna Abreu is a junior Communications major at Le Moyne College with a concentration in Advertising and minors in English and Creative Writing. She was born in the Dominican Republic, but was raised in the Bronx, NY. One of her greatest passions in life is the art of communication and how people relate and communicate with each other. Living in New York City only fostered this passion because her whole life she has been surrounded by different cultures and people. Ivanna enjoys writing and reading, specifically about human interest stories. She prides herself in having a great work ethic and unlike some she enjoys constantly being on the move and being busy. In her hands you will always find either her iPhone or coffee (or on a good day both). She also loves all things comedy and is always trying to make someone laugh.