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The XY Files – The “Duckface”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

We know them all too well. The MySpace pics. The Profile pics. The endless in-the-mirror pics. And the Duckface. In all honesty, I had never heard of the Duckface until a group of guys informed me of its horror. All girls know the Duckface. Some have even fallen victim to its power. I’m here to tell you, with certainty, that the Duckface does not appeal to the male population.

Taking pictures of yourself is a staple of our society. There’s nothing wrong with it, as long as it’s used with caution. The Duckface refers to that infamous pose, typically in the mirror, where the subject stands with one hand on the hip and lips pursed out like a duck beak.
“It just looks stupid,” one guy told me. Trust me when I say that boys like self portraits, but only ones in good taste. “I don’t think the Duckface is attractive at all,” another said. Guys may think that girls who pose like this are trying too hard for attention. “Don’t force anything,” I was told.

You are the most attractive in your normal stance. It’s what makes you, you. “The more natural, the better,” and I agree with him. Smiles always win guys over. After all, they are contagious, right?
By no means do I write to tell you what to do or how to pose in a picture, but if you pose this way for guys, you may want to rethink your plan of attack. Guys notice the girls who are pretty by being themselves. Remember, “the Duckface doesn’t make you sexy.” You already are.
Quack Quack,
Double X

Ivanna Abreu is a junior Communications major at Le Moyne College with a concentration in Advertising and minors in English and Creative Writing. She was born in the Dominican Republic, but was raised in the Bronx, NY. One of her greatest passions in life is the art of communication and how people relate and communicate with each other. Living in New York City only fostered this passion because her whole life she has been surrounded by different cultures and people. Ivanna enjoys writing and reading, specifically about human interest stories. She prides herself in having a great work ethic and unlike some she enjoys constantly being on the move and being busy. In her hands you will always find either her iPhone or coffee (or on a good day both). She also loves all things comedy and is always trying to make someone laugh.