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Summer-to-Fall Fashion Transition: Layer Up!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

As unfortunate as it is, college students are broke and because of this, we find ourselves splurging on countless items of clothing during the summer season, when we’re actually making our own money and are finally able to spend it carelessly (although we shouldn’t). However, because we spend a great deal of money during the summer months, odds are the clothing you purchase are summer-oriented in one way or another. When the fall season arrives, a lot of us feel the stress of not having anything to wear. Instead of sulking over your perfectly good clothing, adapt and recreate!

Your once in-style summer clothing is still in style during the fall season—but there’s a catch. Although you can still wear your summer clothing, you won’t be wearing it the way you did mid-July this October. Layering your summer clothing with other summer clothing, what you have available for fall clothing, and even a little of your winter clothing will for sure leave you feeling confident, looking amazing, and appropriate for the fall season. It’s not just about layering either; it’s about HOW you layer. Keep it simple, but chic.

My favorite look incorporating these ideas: Mary-Kate Olsen.

Her summer clothes: striped dress and bright green sweatshirt. This is a perfect fall outfit. The different colors balance the outfit out while still putting those summer clothes to use!

Another easy way to transform your summer look into one of fall is to use those summer dresses! Yes, I said it, dresses. You can still wear your summer dresses in the fall… but not by itself. Layering a summer dress is simple. You can do a few different things when it comes to layering a summer dress. You can pair it with some leggings and/or tights. Boots are always appropriate with a dress in the fall. You could possibly match your dress with a long cardigan (same length or longer than the dress) that’s belted complete with a scarf.  A blazer always works with a dress too. It’s quite simple to layer you just need to know where and what layers to incorporate.

My favorite look incorporating these ideas: Rachel Bilson.

Her “summery” clothes = dress. This is a great fall outfit because it incorporates a dark blazer, complete with boots. Although her legs are bare, the outfit still is appropriate for fall because the blazer and boots balance the outfit out.

How to wear the fall jacket you choose:

How scarves even out a fall outfit:

The trick to incorporating your summer clothes with your fall wardrobe is to be creative. Layering your summer clothes with scarves and other fall accessories will result in a very trendy outfit !