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Phin Phood & Phitness: Conquering Your Health and Exercise Issues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

Hey ladies! Here’s what’s been the struggle of this week: How much is too much? Even when you’re eating healthy, you need to keep track of how much you are actually eating. Just because it’s good for you doesn’t mean that it’s unlimited! When we eat in the cafe and are sitting around with our friends it’s easy to just keep getting up for more food. By the end of a meal period, we can find ourselves with two, three even four plates! Not cute ladies…So here are some tips on how to fill yourself up more on good wholesome foods!

1. Eat with chopsticks! Here’s something that we can capitalize on in the new cafeteria! Eating with chopsticks helps a classy lady avoid shoveling bites in her mouth. Also, if you don’t know how to use them, Google it ladies!! Super easy, and it will get better as you practice. This slows you down while eating your meals, and you fill up faster which is always a plus! (TIP: keep a fork handy in case of frustration ?!)

2. Make sure you drink a lot of water! Ideally, you should drink one or two cups of water before you even start eating. I know that’s hard to do sometimes so just try to drink at least a half a cup or more before you even pick up those chopsticks!! This will also fill you up more so you won’t have to leave on an empty stomach or feeling guilty because of how much you ate.

3. Start off your meal with a salad! If you do this you can fill up on some lettuce and a light dressing. This would just be a “house salad” type salad with a LIGHT dressing (TIP: tons of hidden calories from fat, sugar etc. in dressing, stick to oil and vinegar for the most part). Nothing fancy, but it just starts you off with something healthy to lead you into a meal that you might be too full to finish. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t finish meals or anything like that, but it’s always better to fill up on better choices before you just drive into something not so healthy.

So hopefully these little tips help you ladies out in the dining hall when it comes to lessening you portions! And make sure you drink a ton of water! This will not only fill you up but it will help your skin, your energy, your health and so much more! Now, make sure to continue reading to see the perfect form of fitness to balance out your healthy lifestyle! 

Back this week with a target area that I’m sure many of you don’t often think about…OUR LOWER BACKS!!

We rarely focus on the lower back because it’s not really a target area we always see but it’s definitely important to work out this area from time to time! With the power move of the week youll have a lean lower back ? 

The move to help you with this is called the Superman.

The name says it all! You ladies are going to basically look like you’re flying but on your exercise mats and here’s how to do the power move:

  • Start off by lying flat on your stomach and then stretch your arms out in front of your head, by your ears. While doing this, make sure that you keep your arms and your legs straight.
  • Then, lift your arms and legs up toward the ceiling and when you do this your body should create a U kind of shape. Exhale as you lift your arms and legs and
  •  hold this position for two to five seconds and lower your back down to complete one rep or as I always tell you ladies, hold it for as long as you can as it is essentially extending your spine.

  • After one rep return your body to the original position and and inhale as you lower your arms and legs back down.
  • Repeat three sets of 10 reps with about 45 to 60 seconds of rest in between your sets. 

And you guys are good to go! Strong slim backs with one super simple “Superman” exercise!
With these healthy food tips, and this week’s fitness move, you ladies will see results in no time! Keep up the great work!

Junior Communications Major with a concentration in Journalism. Minors in Creative Writing, Art, English, and Business.