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The Freshman 411: Girl-to-Girl Insight

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

Entering college can be quite overwhelming. You have a number of different priorities on your mind such as, finding your clique, the intense pressure to party, meeting boys, and the new workload that college courses bring to the table. 

Being a freshman has its ups and downs. It’s important to know certain things about college, because lets face it, almost all of us are afraid to our freshman year. It’s important to share my experiences and give you advice. After all, there are more girls than boys at Le Moyne, so us girls need to stick together!

1) DO NOT EXCLUDE YOURSELF- Get out there. Yes, we all know that some of the events colleges hold for freshman can be considered… well, lame. But in all honestly, it’s probably one of the best ways to meet people (besides off-campus parties of course). 
 Don’t be afraid to talk to anyone while walking around on campus. I remember the first day of classes my roommates and I sat on the wall outside of the cafeteria and just talked to everyone we could. We didn’t care if we looked stupid. Why should you? No one knows you! This is probably one of the only times where everyone WON’T know everything about you. Give your number out to everyone who seems normal (although you’ll probably realize a quarter of them aren’t after the first semester).  This way, on the weekends you can swap things you’ve heard about events and what not.  Also, when you get to the event you’ll know people and can avoid being those awkward girls who are dressed a little too provocatively in the corner (because let’s face it, you’re going to dress in your shortest dresses and skirts… mom and dad are not here with a ruler.)

2) Use your common sense- 
 Upperclassmen usually throw the off-campus parties. Although a lot of people, mainly guys, may seem hot, nice, trusting, etc., DO NOT PUT YOUR RED CUP DOWN, EVER. I’m serious. You pay 5 dollars to get beer, not “roofied,” so clutch that cup tightly.My freshman year one of my friends put her water bottle down and went into the other room for a minute. When she came back she finished her drink, and did not remember anything after that. We later found out that some boys had decided to put something in her drink and we can imagine what they’d hoped for. Thankfully,her friends were there to realize what was going on and take her home. I’ve honestly never seen someone so sick in my life. PLEASE watch your cups and look out for your girlfriends.

3) Use www.RateMyProfessor.com!- I cannot give you any better advice school-wise than that. That website is a god. Before registering for any of your classes USE THIS WEBSITE. They have almost every professor and the comments are from real students who go to your school. We all know that a bad professor can ruin a semester and your overall GPA.  This website will help you avoid that issue, I promise.

4) Go to the gym!: 
You do not want to gain the infamous “freshman 15.” Even though you hate it and you’d rather be doing pretty much anything else, it relieves stress and will keep you fit. Not to mention, a lot of guys go to the gym so it is a great place to meet people!  We have two gyms on campus, one in the Harrison dorm and one in the Athletic Center so there’s no reason why you can’t go.

5) Don’t go anywhere by yourself:This is an obvious, but I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen girls leave parties by themselves because they’re so drunk and their friends, who are even more drunk, don’t realize they’ve left. YOU ARE A TARGET! Yes, you, in your short skirts and high heels. We’re in Syracuse, and odds are you are not familiar with your surroundings. I’m not just talking about leaving parties alone, I’m also referring to leaving dorms and going to other ones on campus by yourself.  No matter how secure you think your campus is, things happen and you do not want to leave it to chance. Not to mention, the surrounding residents on both sides of campus wouldn’t exactly win your “Good Neighbor Award.”  Seriously though, use the buddy system. You’ll be glad you did. If for some reason, you do end up by yourself on campus, there are “Blue Light Emergency Telephones” scattered throughout campus that connect to the security office immediately. Speaking of the security office, save their number to your contacts now. I guarantee you will use this number at least three times during your first semester: (315)-445-4444.

6) Attend at least one Study Abroad Meeting: I have to admit that I highly regret not studying abroad during my college experience.  Three of my best friends traveled abroad to various places like France, Italy and England and absolutely loved it. I would advise going to a meeting your sophomore year and studying abroad your junior year.
I could probably go on forever with past experiences and advice for freshman girls, but what fun would that be? Just as I learned from my experiences and mistakes, you will too.  Take the advice I’ve given in this article and run with it. You’ll be glad you did.