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Domestic Abroad-Washington DC

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

Hello there my fellow collegiettes!

My first month in DC, which has felt like 3 long months, has been indescribable. Since my last blog post, abo0ut 3 weeks ago, I have been on the move every single day, working, studying, and exploring. I have not had enough time in the day to do every single thing I want to, hence the reason I have not updated you guys in so long!

Here are some of the highlights of my trip thus far:

I finally went Kayaking on the Potomac! For being a first-time kayaker, I did pretty good. Luckily, I did it right before it got too cold.

One of the best things about DC are all the free events in town. One of my favorites was the H-Street Festival. The festival, which stretched about 8 blocks, featured upcoming artists, delicious foods,and some vintage finds. My favorite part of it was the art appreciation.    

While working at Book Hill Partners, I am also taking a night class. In this class, I study the history of DC and attend tours around the city. This past week, we took a tour of Old Town, Alexandria. I loved the vintage-feel of it.

I have had the honor of attending many networking galas here in DC. At the galas, I have chatted with professionals in my field, and have created connections that hopefully will help me after I graduate. Just last night, I attended The Washington Center’s Gala, where they honored their sponsors/donors. I sat with the representives of Verizon, who were all Boston Red Sox fans. This served for great conversation, as I tried my best to represent for my NYY! Nonetheless, it was a great experience.

I still have a little over 2 months left in DC and I can’t even imagine what’s in store for me! For now, I will try my best to manage my time better and update you all on life here in the nation’s capital!

Omairys, a born and raised New York City gal of the Dominican descent, is a motivated Communications/Advertising major, with a minor in English. She does not know what she will do with her Communications degree after graduation but is ambitious enough to hope it will be something promising, as this field has been her passion for as long as she could remember. She is actively involved on campus, as she is President of El Progreso, a multicultural organization that strives to raise awareness of the Latino community. She loves to travel: she has traveled to Kenya to work at The Nyumbani Program and will be interning at our nation's capital her senior year! She is hard working, and excited to bring change to her campus---Le Moyne.