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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

Major/Concentration: Biology

Hometown: The Bronx

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Ethnicity: Puerto-Rican and Black

Relationship status: Single

Celebrity Crush: Trey Songz

What are some of your favorite things about LMC?: Well the den is one thing. The people I’ve met so far. Also, the fun moments I’ve had, meaning there’s plenty of more to come.

If you had to pick a quote or motto that describes your life, what would it be?: “You just got to live your life not caring what they think, shake off the drama and prove to them you’re better than they think you are.”

What something no one would ever guess about you?: I’m actually REALLY shy when i first meet people

Most played song on your iPod?: Frank Ocean – Pyramids

I’ve always wanted to…Travel the world and eat and sky dive.

What is a movie you can watch over and over again?: Grease

If you had to choose…Trey Songz or Usher?: Trey Songz of course

If you had to run out your burning dorm room, what’s the one thing you would grab?: Most likely, I would bring my phone or Mac.

What would you like to do with your major?: Most likely, Forensics.

What do you look for in a guy?: Well he has to be able to make me laugh and have a great personality.

Funniest Joke you’ve ever been told?: “Knock Knock.” “Who’s there?” “Who who” “Who who, there must be an owl in here.” …It’s not funny but Brandon told me it, and I couldn’t stop laughing at how corny it was.

If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?: It would be to be fluent in almost every language or to be married to Trey Songz. I can’t choose right now.

Junior Communications Major with a concentration in Journalism. Minors in Creative Writing, Art, English, and Business.