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Jake Woodford ’13: Empowering Others and Making Us Laugh Along the Way

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lawrence chapter.

A native Appletonian and Government major, Jake Woodford 13′ A.K.A. Woody, has been around the Lawrence community his whole life. Perhaps that’s why he is so passionate and involved in so many aspects of the Lawrence community. “Being from Appleton, Lawrence had to be a really special place to me, otherwise I wouldn’t have stayed around, I mean everyone knows how exciting Appleton is,” says Jake with a great hint of sarcasm.
His actions ring true to his words because he truly is passionate about Lawrence. Besides being a manager for the Tech Crew at Warch, and a member of Judicial Board, he also sits as co-chair to the organization SOUP (Student Organization for University Programming). Jake has really stepped up in developing SOUP into an outlet for his fellow Lawrentians to have access to more opportunities on campus. This includes the new SOUPer fan shuttle that provides transportation to select Lawrence sporting events. He is also actively involved as a member of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity where he acts as Historian and former Rush chairman, he’s the overnight housing coordinator for admissions, and has just been elected as the new President of LUCC. 
When asked how he keeps such a level head as a leader in so many groups, and as the future President of the biggest student driven force on campus, it was a simple response for Jake. “There’s this poem, ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling; I read that poem a couple times a week. It just reminds me that I’m no more or less important than anybody else,” says Jake, “the things I do aren’t about titles or being important, it’s just that I thrive on empowering other people…That’s what empowers me. “
His sincerity and appreciation of those around him has earned him “the nice guy” reputation, which is a perfect way to describe Woody. “It’s just who I am, it’s not a conscious thing, I’m just nice. And that goes for everybody, whether it’s Jill Beck or Donna who makes my omelets in the morning. I feel like it’s important to know the names of the people who sweep the floor.” And Woody does. “Well, there’s Ann; if you don’t know Ann then you need to know Ann. Ann got the hook up on campus gossip.”
As a friend of Woody’s, I strongly suggest just listening to him tell a story, crack a joke, recite some of his satirical creative writing, or poke some fun at the quirkiness of Lawrence. His wit is just another trait to make him a stand out guy at Lawrence.

“I love how much we complain as Lawrentians. I love it. I think it’s really funny how much we complain about things,” Claims Woody as he begins to take the voice of students, ” ‘uhn, these tomatoes are mushy’ or ‘this chicken is dry.’  Like how much we complain about our food is hilarious. ‘Fourth Floor is a long walk; My contacts froze on my walk to my dorm; Its too cold–its too hot; Its boring here; the river smells; the river bugs.’ I love it cause it makes Lawrence what it is. If we didn’t complain about everything, it just wouldn’t be the same place”
Even as a leading member of the Lawrence community and a student working towards betterment for others, you will still find Woody hanging around the Delt house late at night playing his guitar and singing in the halls, serenading anyone that walks past him. He frequents the cafe to finish work and chat up friends and acquaintances the same, and if you see him walking through campus with a flashlight–he’s probably going to his job as a watchman for a nearby church. 

Ariella Morik is a senior at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin studying English and Film Studies. She has served as Vice-President of Her Campus™ Lawrence for the past year and is excited to take the position of Campus Correspondent. She is an active student within her academic department and is Vice President of Programming and Social Events of the Alpha Zeta chapter of Delta Gamma. After graduation, she plans to pursue a law degree or a masters in creative writing. When she's not busy with her academic and co-curricular engagements, she finds time to run outdoors and spend time with her friends.