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How the Universe has Aligned So You and Your Crush Should (or Should Not) Be Together!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lawrence chapter.

Whether or not you believe in astrology, you know you can’t help yourself but flipping to the Horoscope section of your magazine.

And with Her Campus™ on the rise as an up and coming national website, its time we add to it a little astrological flava! So as my debut astrology article, here is a basic run down of how astrology works. Note: Before you dismiss the potential accuracy of astrology, take a gander at this article!

And since it is February and we just had that “little” Hallmark holiday, what a perfect time to do a small introductory article on the general astrological theories of relationship compatibility. Fun fact: The branch of astrology that focuses on compatibility is called synastry astrology.

The theories are that the relationship styles of these signs are most compatible with each other, and thus have an apparent better success rate of a long lasting relationship. So if earth signs go best with water signs, that means air and fire are most compatible.  Astrologers will pair masculine signs with each other, and feminine signs with the like because it is argued that their “relationship styles” are most similar, thus making them most compatible. Sometimes visulizations are more helpful, so here’s a little chart I’ve put together outlining what I’ve just explained.

The Zodiac
Before we get into the compatibility stuff, let’s do a quick run down of the signs of the Zodiac in their appropriate order.

As you’ll notice from the diagram, the sign positioned at the top is Aries, the ram (March 21-April 19).   Now. most you are probably wondering why the zodiac doesn’t start with Capricorn, the goat (December 22-January 19).  Well, that’s because the position of each sign on the zodiac diagram is indicative of various personality traits associated with each sign. For example, Aries have a reputation for being natural born leaders. Being a Cardinal sign, these signs are the initiators and get projects moving into action, and so it is fitting that an Aries would kick start the zodiac sign.

Following Aries is the Taurus, the bull (April 20-May 20). Then comes Gemini, the twins (May 21-June 20), followed by Cancer, the crab (June 21-July 22) and the fiery Leo the lion (July 23-August 22). After the Leo comes Virgo, the virgin (August 23-September 22) followed by the Libra (September 23-October 22), – also the balance point of the zodiac – hence why the Libra is represented as a scale.

And, did you know that the Libra is the only astrology sign whose symbol is an inanimate object!?

Following the Libra are Scorpio, the seductive scorpion (October 23-November 21), and Sagittarius, the archer (November 22-December 21).  After Sagittarius comes Capricorn, then Aquarius, the water-bearer (January 20-February 18), and then finally Pisces, the mystical, intuitive fish (February 19-March 20).

Are you In Your Element? Aside from the basic signs, each sign is divided into various sub groups, one being their element. Here is how it works:

Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

There’s a further subdivision—see astrology is complicated and it’s not as phony as you might initially have thought! 

Air signs and Fires signs are considered masculine signs. Now don’t freak out my fire and air girls, this doesn’t mean you’re a man, it simply means you have more of an assertive, and extroverted energy. Consequentially, Water and Earth signs are feminine signs meaning that they give off a more passive, and introverted energy.

Now for the love stuff!  Okay, so here’s what astrologers have to say about compatibility. Keep in mind, synastry astrology is most accurate when assessing two partners’ natal charts. Typically you would get along best with the signs in your element. So if you are a Capricorn, you’d be best suited with a Taurus or a Virgo, but you would also go will with your partnering feminine energy element, Water. 

So check out if you and your crush match up, and check out your daily horoscope at places like Astrology.com! Have fun!

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A senior at Skidmore College, who loves beagles, batman, and sushi. You can find me dreaming about Anderson Cooper and doing crossword puzzles.
Annie Kaiser is a senior economics and government major at Lawrence University. Happily born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Annie also has been called a "nomad" by her friends. In the past two years she has lived on both coasts, spending a year at school in Claremont, California and living in Georgetown for a summer internship with a political web-blog in Alexandria, Virginia. She played Varsity basketball and soccer throughout college, and has decided boxing will be her go-to workout after her collegiate athletic retirement. Annie's favorite activities include dining in fine restaurants, debating about politics, memorizing the presidents in order, painting, keeping up with celeb gossip, seatfiling at award shows, making lists of interesting words, and reading classic novels. She can not get enough of Jack Johnson music, new challenges, and Chuck Bass. Her motto: put your mind to it, and do it.