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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Laurier Brantford chapter.

It still feels like school only started a few weeks ago, but the truth is that exam season is coming and it’s coming really soon. This period of the semester is very stressful with all the deadlines and exams. Here are a few tips to keep your cool and not get completely overwhelmed!

Write down a schedule

As soon as you have your exam dates, write them down and organize yourself around it. Having a solid schedule will give you a good idea of how much time you can spend on each topic, making sure you won’t end up wasting time and have enough time for everything.

Switch up your study spots

Consider switching up your study spots. Doing this will keep you refreshed and motivated! Maybe you’ll find places where you can focus better. Additionally, going to new spots will give you a break. Walking to your new study spot can help you clear your mind and think about something else.

Write/Re-write your notes

I find that writing or re-writing my notes is really helpful: it helps me understand and memorize the material better. If your notes are scribbled, rewriting them might make them more legible and help you revisit concepts you might have missed in the lecture.

Study with a group

Studying can make you feel a bit lonely, especially if you are studying in your room all the time. Getting together with friends in a little study group can really help: everyone can share their studying techniques, and repeating the material can be a really helpful revision method for some.

Take Care of Yourself

Sleep well, eat healthy, and take breaks! Neglecting self-care and just studying won’t help you memorize the material better. In fact, when I study without having a good night of sleep or without eating, I can’t even focus. Food and sleep provide you with the necessary fuel to carry on studying. So, take care of yourself!

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Maeva Lago

Laurier Brantford '22

I am Maéva Lago-Dogo a Digital Media & Journalism major. I love K-pop, K-drama, traveling, Motorsports and spending a dangerous amount of time on Twitter and Netflix. Follow me on my Instagram @maeva_lagodogo.