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You’re Invited To…How to Create the Best Dorm Birthday Party!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Recently, it was the birthday of one of my suitemates. My other suitemates and I decided that we wanted to throw a small party to celebrate her special day. We got a cake, decorations, and were able to have a great roommate birthday! Here are a few tips to show you how you can do this too!

  1. Plan out what you want to have/do before going to the store

We were able to sit down and map out what we wanted to do and that was really helpful. It allowed us to work together to decide what stores to go to, what to get, and how to be efficient so we had time to set-up after we went shopping. 

  1. Have a theme

When you have a theme, it can be easier to map out exactly what things you need to look for. Our theme was rainbow, so we were able to get decorations and balloons with various colors, and it was easy to walk into the store and head right to the decorations of that color scheme. 

  1. Utilize the Dollar Store

The dollar store has great party supplies. We were able to get all of the decor, balloons, and even a pinata and it also was at a great price. 

  1. Pay Attention to Schedules

We did not want our roommate to see the space until we were done, so we had to make a schedule. We took note of when she was in class and based our shopping and decorating around that. 

By utilizing these tips, we were able to pull off a very successful small party for our roommate! Do you have any tips and tricks you would like to add? Send us a message and let us know :)

Anna Wall

Lasell '22

Lasell University Event Management Student, Class of 2022. She loves llamas, event planning, and country music :)