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Why Your Relationship Status Shouldn’t Determine Your Halloween Costume

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

With Halloween right around the corner, the time for final decisions for costumes is here. While many factors go into what might be an appropriate costume choice, such as the weather or where you’re wearing the costume, it is my belief that one’s relationship status shouldn’t define what they choose to wear. 

With a healthy relationship comes trust. A skimpier costume to some may seem odd if worn by someone in a relationship, but if there is trust between partners, what each partner wears should not become an issue and come between them on Halloween or any other day. There are many reasons a person may choose to wear a costume that shows off more skin. Being able to feel self confident in an outfit is an amazing feeling, and your partner should be able to share that same appreciation.

While boundaries in relationships are important to discuss, clothing choices are not something that should be dictated by another. Two people in a secure relationship should not feel threatened by the way that others might respond by a certain outfit choice. It is not healthy to be told by a partner that you can or cannot do something, especially when it comes to personal choices such as clothing, or more specifically, a costume.

If wearing a skimpier costume isn’t your thing, then no need to do it! Just find a costume that you and you alone feel comfortable with. If you’re second guessing your costume because you think it may not be appropriate for a person in a relationship, remember that a healthy and secure relationship includes trust in you from your partner and a costume should not change that.

Kyra is a senior at Lasell University and is an elementary education major. She loves to hike, bake, and work with her students at daycare.