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Who and What I’m Thankful for this Thanksgiving Season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Practicing gratitude is a great way to let the people in our lives know how much they mean to us. Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to tell them such. There are even benefits to practicing gratitude. According to Harvard Health Publishing, practicing gratitude “…helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” Overall, practicing gratitude is not only beneficial to others, but to yourself too! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to share who and what I am grateful for this year. 

My life and the opportunities I have

I am grateful to simply be alive. Our lives are something we often take for granted. Every day, I get to wake up and just exist. I laugh with my roommate and pet the random dogs I see. I know how privileged and lucky I am to attend not only a great school; but my dream college. I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities I have had, which motivate me to work hard. 

My family

I would not be who I am without my family. My mom and grandmas are some of the strongest women I know, and I am honored to be related to them. I look forward to daily texts from my grandpa and watching the TikToks my brother sends me throughout the day. My family is my support system, and I am so thankful for them. 

My college friends

Within only two months of college, I have found a network of friends I enjoy being around and who make me happy. My roommate is my best friend, and we do virtually everything together. Through Her Campus, I have also found a network of intelligent, funny, and beautiful women. They make me feel empowered, and I love cheering them on as they succeed. I am so grateful I found friends I know will stay with me throughout college and beyond. 

My pets

My pets always make me smile with their cuteness and sweet personalities. I love receiving pictures of them from my mom and brother to see what they’re doing. There is no quicker way to my heart than my pets, and I am very grateful my family rescued them. 

That I exist at the same time as Harry Styles and Taylor Swift

This one isn’t as heartfelt as the rest, but I love that I exist at the same time as my favorite celebrities. The music my favorite artists, such as Harry Styles and Taylor Swift, produce makes my day a little brighter. What they’ll do next is always a surprise, and I am grateful I get to see their new projects announced. 

This Thanksgiving, take the time to thank the special people in your life. They’ll appreciate you reaching out, and it’ll make you feel good to tell them how much they mean to you. 

Olivia Post

Lasell '26

Olivia Post is the President of the Her Campus at Lasell chapter. She oversees all matters relating to the chapter, from editorial content to on-campus events. Beyond Her Campus, Olivia is a student ambassador for the Blue Key Society at Lasell. She is currently a sophomore at Lasell University, studying Secondary Education and English with a minor in Spanish. In her free time, Olivia enjoys reading, playing video games, and spending time with her roommates. She can also be found working on her latest crochet project, or watching RuPaul's Drag Race.