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“When ‘Good’ Costumes Go Bad: Take 2” Panel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Halloween is just around the corner. Before you head out the door in this year’s get-up, check the mirror and check yourself. Join Professor Tauriac and an esteemed panel of individuals for a discussion on cultural appropriation in costumes.

When: Thursday October 22, 2015 at 2pm

Where: Rosen Auditorium.

Co-Sponsored by the Donahue Institute, the Multicultural Student Union, PRIDE, CCBL, the Center for Spiritual Life, the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, the Honors Program, & the Social Sciences Department

For more information email Professor Jesse Tautiac at jtauriac@lasell.edu!

We’ll see you there!

Haleigh West is an Honor's Student majoring in Fashion Design with a double minor in Environmental Studies and Studio Art. Her articles are centered around sexual awareness and relationship advice, with the occasional piece focusing on social justice from a feminist perspective. Outside of HerCampus, she runs Lasell's chapter of Active Minds, an organization dedicated to ending the stigma of mental illness on campus, and is an avid hiker who never stops exploring.As a self proclaimed "equalist" she is determined to live in a world where all are created equal. Free of sexism, free of racism, free of all stigma. A truly free world.