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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Valentine’s Day is the dreaded holiday for singles leading in front of National Boyfriend’s/Girlfriend’s Day. For single people, the day is seemingly filled with their taken friends and family flaunting their relationship. Valentine’s Day does not have to be this way, though. 

Valentine’s Day has its traditional meaning, but the day can encompass all types of love. Instead of letting V-Day make you feel lonesome, you should take the day to love yourself instead of focusing on loving someone else. The lonesome feeling will make you focus on what you lack. It is much more healthy to flip the script and focus on all that you have instead of not have. 

It is nice that Valentine’s Day can be a day where people appreciate their significant others extra, but it can reinforce putting all of one’s happiness into someone else. It can feel like the true key to happiness is through partnership, but one can only find pure contentment with life by themselves. It is so much more fulfilling when the happiness in your life comes purely from you.

Take Valentine’s Day to appreciate everything about yourself. Your hard work. Your strength. Your flaws. Treat yourself to a nice gift or dinner. Buy yourself the heart-holding stuffed animal and a heart-shaped box of chocolates. 

Valentine’s Day does not have to be about other people in committed relationships. You can be your own valentine and make the day about you.

Emelia Mulligan is a freshman at Lasell University studying Criminal Justice and playing field hockey. When she's not studying or practicing, she is either online shopping, watching reality tv, or listening to r&b. She has a passion for mental health awareness and is pursuing addiction recovery for a future career. Find her on social media linked below.