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Turn Heads in these 3 Oddly Specific Boston Costumes

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

When it comes to Halloween costumes, I’m a sucker for a topical, niche reference. I usually get panicked and end up as a witch for the 8th time, but I always end up jealous of people who have put in real effort. If you agree that creative is the way to go for Halloween, and you happen to be celebrating in the Boston area, here are 3 oddly specific costumes that will have people begging for pictures with you this Halloween. 

  1. Sad Ben Affleck 

Is there any Bostonian more quintessential than Ben Affleck? Known for great Boston hits like looking sad while smoking and his pension for Dunkin’, no one quite sums up the existential crisis of facing New England winters like Ben. This Halloween season don a pair of old jeans and a stained Bruins shirt, ruffle up your hair, and grab a (fake!) cigarette to exude Affleck realness. Optionally, keep the cup from your daily Dunkin’ run to keep you hydrated through the night. 

  1. Broken T Train

If you’re out on the town for Halloween, there’s a high chance you’re taking the T to get from one place to another. If you are taking the T, there’s a near-perfect chance something is going to be messed up about your trip. Whether it’s the lovely high-pitched grinding noise of the Green Line or the Orange Line’s frequent breakdowns. This year, why not embrace the horror that is the MBTA? Don the colors of your usual route, cut out a paper T to signal what you are, and get ready to put on the performance of a lifetime. When out with friends, randomly stop walking to signify a breakdown, or suddenly start screeching. Really ham it up for your audience. Sure, it will annoy people, but hopefully, that annoyance will spur them to contact their local representative about improvements. 

  1. Party Girl Isabella Stewart Gardener

Now this one is for the artsy folks and the girl bosses. Any art lover or general person wanting a fun day out has likely been to the beautiful Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum. Opened in 1903 by the iconic girl boss of the era Isabella Stewart Gardener, the space hosts a rich history. However, the woman herself has an even more exciting past. Known for her love of traveling and art acquisition, many may not know of Isabella’s penchant for debauchery. The woman loved to party! You can channel her in this specific portrait of her in Venice by putting on a beautiful white gown and some pearls. Perhaps wear some smudgy makeup to signify your wild lifestyle, and buy some small trinkets to give out to friends!

Julia LaPlante is the Vice President and Editor-In-Chief of Her Campus Lasell. She oversees and assissts and E and S boards as well as the copy editing team. Away from Her Campus, Julia is a senior English major at Lasell. She works at Lasell's library as she studies towards her Masters in Library and Information Science. In her free time, Julia enjoys reading gothic literature, watching nerdy television shows, and walking in nature. Julia deeply believes in the importantce of mindfulness and chocolate to ones attitude.