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Things to put in your friend’s Spooky basket this season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

We might be already familiar with spooky baskets, but if you didn’t know, spooky baskets are basically like gift baskets but Halloween-themed. Kind of like a spooky easter basket, but just straight-up Halloween. We often see it done in romantic relationships on social media. Yet, friends are basically like your platonic romantic relationship. Here are some examples of what to get for yourself, your friends, or your boo! Hehe, see what I did there. Anyways, here are my recommendations.

  1. A plushie that reminds you of them

If they are angry all the time, get them a plushie of an angry dog.

2. Their favorite cookies

Do your friends like Chips Ahoy chewy or crunchy edition?

3. A water bottle 

Hydration is key to friendships. 

4. Something you think they need

If you think they need a steamer, get it. If they don’t iron their clothes as an adult, get an iron. If they talk too much, get the tape. Simple as that.

5. Pajamas

I feel like no one buys pajamas for themselves. Why not give it to someone who makes you feel cozy like soft pajamas? 

Spooky baskets are another reason to fulfill your love language of gift-giving. As someone with this love language, I love making gifts as personable as they can be for someone I love. There’s a difference between getting a gift you think someone might like, versus a gift that reflects them in some way. It makes the overall experience better when you make the gift fun and about them. 

Jade Diaz

Lasell '23

Jade is a Senior at Lasell, majoring in Fashion Merchandising and Management. She adores figurative art, and enjoys being creative in any way possible. She is sneaker- obsessed and loves the world of fashion. One fun fact is that her dog Finn, is named after a Star Wars character named FN-2187.