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Things to Do With Your Friends on Galentine’s Day & Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Just because you’re single, doesn’t mean your Valentine’s Day has to be miserable. Gather up all your girls to make for the perfect Galentine’s Day, whether you want to celebrate on Galentine’s Day which is the 13th or on Valentine’s Day on the 14th. Unsure of what to do? I’ve got you covered with 5 ideas of things to do:

  1. Go into the city and try out a new restaurant! Try somewhere you’ve never been that might be a bit more money than you usually spend. It’ll also be fun to dress up and take pictures!

  2. Exchange gifts! Do something similar to a secret santa and get really cute Valentine’s Day themed gifts such as candles, chocolate, and jewelry. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive. Who wouldn’t love receiving a gift on Valentine’s Day from their friend?

  3. Have a rom-com movie night with chocolate and Ben and Jerry’s!

  4. Have a spa night! Paint your nails, do face masks, etc! This will be super relaxing and the perfect way to unwind.

  5. Make dinner at home with your friends! Go on Facebook and find a recipe video and cook the night away! There’s everything from appetizers, entrees, and dessert. If you have the time make a 3 course meal, plus you might have some leftovers for later.