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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Entering the world of body modifications is, from my perspective, a beautiful experience. As early as the age of two, I got my first lobe piercings. After that, I got my second lobe piercings in middle school. It was then I decided that I have practically sold my soul to pierce away my ears and eventually my face. Once I turned 18, I immediately sought out a tattoo shop and reputable piercing places. This next stage of life gave me a newfound love for body mods.

Body modifications become a part of your identity when you not only discover them but become addicted as I did. I soon learned this when I had my first case of piercing migration with my vertical labret. I didn’t want to accept it until I decided it was time to let go. Taking the piercing out was very emotional for me, letting go of such a big part of who I became, even a lot of my friends found it sad, saying “You look so different,” “You need to get it back,” “PLEASE NO WHY.” 

So here I am, exploring how body mods impacted my life in such a drastic way. They dramatically changed my appearance, in ways that I wanted of course. Allowing me to explore my personality and who I wanted to be on the outside. 

Not only did my appearance change, but it changed my self-esteem. Obtaining my visible tattoos and piercings, I received more compliments than ever before, and especially for things that I CHOSE for myself, it felt amazing. Without jewelry, I felt ordinary, nothing special, just the average person you see every day. But with all these body piercings and tattoos, I felt cool and, as one might say, “swag.” 

So overall, body modifications not only impact my appearance but also how I feel about myself.

She/they LGBTQ+ Lasell '26 Graphic Design Major