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Sweet Potato With Pecans
Sweet Potato With Pecans
Shun Matsuhashi / Spoon
Culture > News

Thanksgiving For Afar

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Thanksgiving this year is going to look different for everyone. The climate of the pandemic, with the travel restrictions, and mandated quarantine just make thanksgiving different, and for some the food may even be different. Here are some things I plan on doing this thanksgiving, and how I’m including the people I can’t be with. 


1. Keep as many traditions as possible 

Obviously, this seems to be almost impossible. However, just because things are different this year does not mean that they can not be done. One of my family traditions is having name cards done in calligraphy by my aunt. I won’t be with her, so my family won’t have those name cards. However, I am going to do my best, to be creative, and make my own name cards for those that will be at my Thanksgiving table, and mail some cards to those that cant. An added bonus is that those cards can be a keepsake. 


2. Adding structure

The structure is really important. Virtual trivia has been one of my favorites this quarantine. It is an awesome way to get everyone involved, making a round or a game, or even a Kahoot. Then everyone can play the games together and adds in a little friendly competition. 


3.  Being transparent:

I’ve found that a lot of the things I am going to miss this thanksgiving are things I would not expect. You cant do everything virtually, and it just isn’t the same. I know this thanksgiving I’m going to miss fighting with my sisters over whos ready for pictures, and who isn’t. I really recommend being vocal about what you are missing, you will realize that you’re not alone.


4. Talk about it!

Ask people what they are doing for thanksgiving. Are they able to see their family, or are they doing something totally different this year. This climate of the pandemic can be very isolating for some people. You will realize lots of people are in the same boat as you, and maybe more than you think.


And remember this too shall pass! Even though it definitely seems like it’s been a while.

Rose Keane

Lasell '23

Rose is a sophomore psychology student at Lasell University. Outside from school, she can be found at the mall shopping, hiking, working, or spending time with her animals.