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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

I just have to start off by saying I cannot believe this is my last Her Campus article. Her Campus shaped my college experience in many different ways. I was the President of Her Campus Lasell for two years and brought our eight-person chapter to a twenty-person chapter. I made some great college friends from the chapter and met amazing young women who inspire me with their creativity and hard work. I also had an amazing internship both semesters of my Senior year. Ever since I joined Her Campus sophomore year I knew I wanted to intern with the company. They truly care about helping college women succeed and ready them for that “real world” job. I could not have asked for a better boss, Hailey, and kinder fellow interns Julia and Allie. I love the Her Campus team and could see myself working for HC in the future. 

I was nervous to join new clubs in college. I felt like when I joined sophomore year it might have been too late and everyone already would have had their group. I am so glad I did, so this is my encouragement to any underclassmen to put themselves out there and join that club, go after that dream internship, and especially get into clubs that will help prepare you for your career. I want to say a huge thank you to anyone who has been a part of Her Campus for the past two years. Every article we wrote, every social media post we made, and every event we had made us one of the top 5% of chapters. We have more recognition on campus now and I hope to see the club continue to grow! We truly could not have done it without any of you. A special shoutout to Madison for being my right-hand lady Junior year and help make our small chapter be put in the top 10% of chapters! For how small we were that was pretty impressive and I know you did everything you could to get us there! 

A special shoutout to Ariana and Anna W. for being my right-hand ladies this year! You two are amazing and I know you both will continue to be successful in your college careers and after. Good luck in your Senior years and I cannot wait to see what you two do with the club next year, I know it will be great! Thank you to Kaylee as well this year for stepping in as the social media director. You were a huge help and I know you will continue to help the club for the next two years. Thank you also to Hannah for editing all the articles with Ariana, obviously a huge help from both of you and we would not be where we are today without you! Anna, I have had so much fun planning events together, and thank you again for all your hard work and for stepping up as next year’s President! Once again, thank you to every member of HC Lasell. We would not be where we are today without anyone of you. I was nervous for this year assuming it would not be as fun and exciting due to COVID, but you all surprised me with your motivation and creativity. Also, thank you to anyone who has read any of my Her Campus articles throughout the years! 

I do not want to say goodbye to Her Campus, I will say see you later to Her Campus hoping to come back to an alumni event at HC Lasell or maybe work at Her Campus in the future. So for now, thank you and see you later HC.

Emalee is a Senior at Lasell University and the President of Her Campus Lasell. She is currently a Campus Community Management Intern for Her Campus! She is a Fashion Merchandising and Management major and a Communications minor. Besides Her Campus, she is the President of Newman Society, loves taking photos, going for hikes, and going to the beach.