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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

I went to the Fright Kingdom this past weekend located in Nashua New Hampshire. I was a little worried about the overall experience with Covid but was pleasantly surprised to see how many safety precautions that they had in place. Overall, it was a really good safe, fun event, with a lot of good scares. I have been in previous years, so was really excited to see what this year would be like. I was also really grateful to have a safe socially distanced activity to do with friends.


Safety Protocols that I witnessed:

  1. Everyone was wearing masks at all times

  2. All tickets are ordered ahead of time for a time slot to avoid crowds (and they do sell out)

  3. Someone who goes overall all the safety rules before you even enter the haunted house

  4.  Everyone’s temperature was taken before they were allowed to enter

  5. Hand sanitizer was literally available everywhere. I was so impressed by how many sanitizing stations they had

  6. They had X’s every six feet to keep your group away from another

  7. They actually really did enforce the social distancing and had staff monitoring to make sure groups were six feet away at all times

  8. Groups were maxed out at seven people


Actual scares: They really did do a good job of scaring you without getting close to you. In addition, they did have a lot of jump scares, and it was hard to tell the mannequins versus the real actors which made it extra nerve-racking. They had five different sections, and each one was different, and you never knew what to expect.


Pricing: Each ticket costs twenty-seven dollars. I found that the pricing was pretty average to other haunted houses. 


To book your tickets for this Halloween event go to http://frightkingdom.com/tickets/


Rose Keane

Lasell '23

Rose is a sophomore psychology student at Lasell University. Outside from school, she can be found at the mall shopping, hiking, working, or spending time with her animals.