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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Almost everyone decides to make a goal at the beginning of a new year, but it’s far less common than people follow through with these goals. Below I have listed the things I wanted to improve on in 2021, and how far I have (or have not) come so far. Hopefully, you will gain some motivation to create new goals for yourself or continue working on old ones!


  1. Be More Health Conscious – This one has been challenging and it has multiple elements. I wanted to be sure I was working out, so I kept my gym membership and I am able to go while keeping up with school. Also, I have been making sure to keep fruits and vegetables in my diet while drinking a lot of water. Through my combination of exercise and diet, I have been able to lose weight and gain muscle. 
  2. Get a Job and Budget – I haven’t been working during school because I have found it becomes very overwhelming. However, I have learned how to create a budget which has helped me as a broke college student. Overall not much progress here, but I am working towards my final goal by learning how I can improve.
  3. Meditation and Mental Health – In the past couple of months, I have learned a lot about how I can improve my mental health through meditation and remaining calm in tense situations. I still have far to go, but I have heard from people close to me that I have improved my level-headedness. I would highly recommend figuring out how you can improve your mental health! It can be different for everyone, but once you figure out what works, you will feel much happier (as I have). 
  4. Reach for My Phone Less – This is another goal I have improved on a lot. I decided to delete some social media for a while and end communication with some people. This has helped me drastically in my life. Even when I brought my social media back, I didn’t feel the need to always check it. I feel happier, more present, and more focused.


Overall, I have learned that my goals don’t have to be public; they can just be my form of self-care. Another thing to remember is not to get discouraged when your goals take you longer to achieve than you may have thought (mine sure do!). Breaking them down into attainable steps makes them reachable. Don’t give up, you will thank yourself.

Anna is from Maine and is studying fashion at Lasell.