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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Even though not everyone celebrates Christmas, a lot of the movies are well-known. Sadly not all of them are as good as others. However, comfort Christmas movies are always the most elite. 

Home Alone – The whole series in general has become a comfort movie for me and I think it is safe to say it is a comfort movie for a lot of our generation. It is a classic. Kevin McCallister, an 8-year-old, gets accidentally left behind when his family leaves for vacation. During this, he is faced with having to fight off burglars who had no clue he was in the home. I think it has become such an iconic movie that so many have grown to love over the years.

A Christmas Carol – Once again another movie that has more iconic characters that people have begun to love. Obviously, where Ebenezer Scrooge came from, A Christmas Carol is where people began to be called “Scrooge” for not being in a festive or giving mood. Ebenezer Scrooge was a miserable old man who got a visit from his late former business partner Jacob Marley as well as the spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and the Yet to Come. They continue to show him what will happen if he keeps up his actions. 

How The Grinch Stole Christmas – The Grinch is my all-time favorite Christmas movie. It takes place in the iconic town of Whoville where the townspeople celebrate Christmas to the highest level possible, but just up the mountain is the Grinch who hates Christmas. He will do anything possible in an attempt to ruin the Christmas season. However, similar to A Christmas Carol, he has a change of heart.The Polar Express – I would say this movie is a comfort movie, however, a movie I have never understood the plot of. Yet, it is a staple of Christmas movies. We have all wanted to be sitting on the train in the scene where they are dancing and serving hot chocolate. The journey itself is something that even though I personally could never understand, it was something I still loved and was obsessed with watching.

Carley Ellis

Lasell '26

Carley is a member and events director of HerCampus, she is a forensic science major in her sophomore year at Lasell University. She is also a member of other clubs on campus such as the Forensic Science Association. In her spare time she likes to read, play video games, and pick up new hobbies such as doing her own nails.