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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Practicing mindfulness is something I have been actively trying to work on for the past year or so. Mindfulness looks different for everyone, so you have to find what works for you. With that said, these are just a few things I try to do every day to practice my mindfulness. I also usually do these in the morning so I can start my day off full of gratitude and calm energy. 

No phone for 20-30 minutes after waking up 

I will say this one doesn’t always happen, but I am trying. When I wake up I try not to grab my phone immediately, other than shutting off my alarm. I know most people say don’t even look at your lock screen, but being the paranoid person I am, I do glance at my lock screen to make sure there aren’t any pressing notifications like class cancellations or emergency texts. After that though, I try to not consume any media for at least 20 minutes. This sounds daunting, and some days it is. But I find after I get up, make my coffee, do my skincare, and make my bed 20 if not 30 minutes have passed just like that.

Morning media consumption 

Piggybacking off the previous practice, being mindful of what media you consume right when you wake up is important too. After those 20-30 minutes, I make sure I don’t immediately jump to Instagram or TikTok. I try (keyword try) to not go on social media until later in the day. Instead, I’ll turn on a podcast or an audiobook to listen to while I get ready for the day. 


Another way I practice mindfulness in the morning is by taking 5 minutes to write in my am/pm journal. The journal I got is from Barnes and Noble and it is guided. But even writing down 5 things you are grateful for is a great way to ground yourself in the morning. Moreover, I love to glance at my planner and add any last-minute goals to it. I find this act sets me up for success and helps my energy stay calm in the early hours. 


The last example of mindfulness I practice in the morning that I want to share is stretching. I usually just look up a 5–10-minute stretch routine on YouTube because otherwise, I don’t do the best job. But I find getting my body moving, even if it’s not an intense workout, not only makes me feel better on the inside but on the outside too. 

Ceci Wood

Lasell '24

Ceci is a Senior at Lasell University and is studying English. In her free time, you can find her reading, writing, making some banging playlists, or playing the sims!