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Kylie Jenner Names Baby Stormi Webster

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Nine months ago, Kylie Jenner went social media “missing”.  Instantly, pregnancy rumors began circulating, which were never confirmed nor denied until Feb. 4, when it was announced Kylie had a baby girl.  

Kylie posted a message on Instagram apologizing for keeping everyone in the dark, but stated that her “pregnancy was one I chose not to do in front of the world”.  Jenner grew up in the public eye and now her child, Stormi Webster, will too, as Jenner typically posts on social media outlets several times a day.  

Stormi is not the most common name, but it is estimated that there are about six thousand people named Stormi around the world.  A person named Stormi is a free spirit who cares about others, qualities any mom wishes her child will grow to have.  The world was shocked when Kylie announced her baby girl’s name to be Stormi, as it does not begin with the Kardashian’s signature “K”.  

The second Kylie Jenner announced that she had had a baby, the whole world asked the question: What did she name the baby?  Predictions such as “Mariposa”, which means butterfly in Spanish, had connections to Jenner’s life that made it believable. People were not expecting the name “Stormi”, but hopefully this baby girl grows up and makes a storm in our world just like her mom.