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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to journal more. Sounds simple enough right? Well, since it’s me we’re talking about, I had to make it harder than it has to be. I always felt like I could be that trendy girl who writes in her journal to add to my own personal mystery. However, ever since my youth it’s been so hard to keep it in line. I would write into my journal religiously for like a week, then POOF, nowhere to be seen after that. Nonetheless, it’s my goal to journal at least every day for a year. So, while I was looking for ways to make sure this habit would stick, I found these really good tips and tricks on how to make sure you’re getting the most out of journaling. 

  1. Find the right method of writing.

A lot of people may be thinking that journaling just has to be done with pencil and paper. However, we’re in 2022, so technology has seemingly breached every form of our lives. Due to this, it isn’t hard to find a journal app on our App Store. Since I am currently a college student, I am always on my laptop. Thus, it makes more sense to have my journal somewhere I’m going to be on every day. The app I currently use is Day One. It is personally my favorite journaling app out there. It’s so visually appealing and makes everything simple. You can add photos that you took that day and personalize them to be yours. If you still prefer the old-fashion way, make sure you buy the journal that makes the most sense for you. Whether it is plain, leather, colorful, or just whatever speaks out to your personality. Don’t feel bad about splurging a bit on your journal! 

       2. Setting a schedule.

You are most likely either a morning-bird or a night-owl. If you tend to wake up early, set some time up while drinking your morning cup of coffee to set down some goals or thoughts for the day. If you like staying up late, keep your journal near you in bed and make sure it has its handy pen attached! Journaling is a great way to release the nagging thoughts in our heads, so use this tactic to your advantage. Making sure you’re putting a few minutes away for your journaling will be the most cost-effective way to make sure you’re putting your all into this habit!

      3. Don’t think about it too much.

Movies and books will trick us into believing that journals need to be filled with mind-shattering ideas and thoughts, when in fact that’s just pure fiction! You’re not writing this for anyone else, you are writing this for yourself. This is something that you do to help relieve some stress in your day-to-day life. You don’t have to feel like you have to prove to anyone anything. If you want to write about the most annoying day at work instead of trying to sound philosophical, you will find yourself more at ease by being honest with yourself. 

Journaling at first may seem daunting, but with the right persistence and dedication, it’s a fun way to see yourself grow and prosper as a human. So, take the time to go to your local bookstore, get the cutest journal you can find, (or hop onto the App Store, truly your preference), and get to writing!

Hello there! I am Yalines Medrano and I am a Forensic Science major at Lasell University with the class of 2024. I am from Peabody, Massachusetts and I love to read, watch anime, and hang out with friends! I am so excited to be involved in HER Campus!