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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

It’s been a few weeks since Valentine’s day, and if you’re anything like me, you tried to stay the farthest away from Instagram posts and Snapchat stories of people gushing over their parents. It’s not that you hate Valentine’s day, but not having a partner makes the day a bit harder to deal with. But you don’t need to be sad after Valentine day just cause you had no love to give to someone else. Why not celebrate the best type of love? Self-love! You are the one person that’s gonna stick around with you for your whole life! Make sure you give yourself some love because you deserve it! 


  1. Buy candy: It’s discounted! It’s common knowledge that the day after Valentine’s day is the day where chocolate is basically dirt cheap. All the leftovers that didn’t sell. So why not put them to some good use? Give yourself some heart-shaped chocolates, or some chocolate-covered strawberries. 

  2. Netflix is there for a reason: Netflix is always there for us, for “Netflix and chill”, to put on a movie night, for background noise for when we are just scrolling through Tik Toks. So put it to good use! Put on your favorite series and binge-watch it! Give yourself a day to yourself where you chill in your sweatpants and your favorite hoodie and rewatch Stranger Things!

  3. Hang out with friends, single ones of course: Galentines is a thing for a reason. Hang out with your friends- who are also single of course- and get together and go out! (Safely, of course, wear a mask and maintain 6 feet distance). Go out to dinner and have fun! You don’t need a partner to be happy, that’s what friends are for too!

  4. Volunteer for a good cause: Use your time for good! Volunteer at an animal shelter, help the homeless, help the needy. Use your time for a good cause. It will help others and make you feel well!

  5. Exercise: Get your body moving and get yourself feeling good! By getting exercise, you’re treating your body well, and you will feel great! Hit the gym, or do some at-home exercising.

Hello there! I am Yalines Medrano and I am a Forensic Science major at Lasell University with the class of 2024. I am from Peabody, Massachusetts and I love to read, watch anime, and hang out with friends! I am so excited to be involved in HER Campus!