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Holidays Are Ruined by Modern Consumerism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

I don’t like the holidays, but don’t be so quick to call me a Grinch. I just think that they are very superficial, despite the fact I can understand the well-meaning behind the holiday spirit. Sure like your average person, I like gifts, holiday movies and the overconsumption of expensive food, but on the grand scale of things holiday’s really just suck up the holidays. We get stuck in the hype and end up consuming more materials for one day then we would be a week.

I live in a family that celebrated the holiday and if I lived alone I would not willingly celebrate the holiday season from Thanksgiving until the New Year. I do not comfortable partaking in a holiday because of all the gross behaviors surrounding it.

 I feel like the holiday spirit was modernly been transmitted to something ugly and against the original values of the holidays. We are constantly being pushed by corporations the need for having a turkey, excess foods, expensive gifts we can’t afford, etc. Black Friday shoppers pushing people to buy their child a gift is disgusting.

This season is known for the Abrahamic values of charity, and many people donate too many perishables to their local food banks and shelters. People who mask all the bad things they did all year but handed a fat check to a local food bank, but neglect those less fortunate for the rest of the year.

The holidays mask the ugliest going on in society, by doing one good thing for someone and forgetting ethics for the rest of the year.

People around the country are now becoming more conscious of their holiday behavior. When they look around the Thanksgiving table they remember the history behind the holiday, educate their children and cook a modest meal. When families it together on Christmas morning they simply enjoy the company and give modest gifts.

If you celebrate any holidays, I suggest taking a look at how you celebrate the holidays. Is there anything you can change to make your holiday align with your values? Can you make your celebration less consumeristic and place less value on material things? And how can you live the “holiday spirit” all year?

Ariana is the Editor In Chief for Her Campus Lasell. She is a senior at Lasell double majoring in Business Management and Marketing. When she's not editing for HC Lasell, she's binge-watching Netflix or buried in a good book.